Clan problem plz look and try to help :)

Experienced Elementalist
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
Hello Guys,

My clan works and i can creat a clan. But if i created a clan and see a other ppl with clan then the name shows me [ ] :(:(:(:(:(. Guys plz tell me how i can fix it :(
I hope someone can help me :)

*I`m sorry for my bad english*

but thx all
you might be useing the wrong version of files or files that are complicated i recommand you delet the crrent system and download the ones on HHC post
open... Clan Database...
Search for img... look images... same are 100000001 i thing
just change for anyone 10000002 10000003 1000004 .....
he is not useing the 10000002 image system :) am sure that system has fixed clan name shared clan chat this is different, if he just put some effort into it he will solve it