To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
// Link by strikeMySQL Using MySQL5.0 for the database in the forum at [Release] Hello Kitty Online or this is the link for database and it name
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
, copy/cut whole hko folder and paste at X:\Program Files\MySQL\data HKO_Server_092404\config.xml
<Port>5500</Port> MySQL Port (Default = 3306)
<!-- Formal: -->
<Hostname>localhost</Hostname> MySQL Host (Default = localhost)
<DBName>hko</DBName> MySQL Database (Default = hko)
<Username>root</Username> MySQL Username (Default = root)
<Password>youyi1314</Password> MySQL Password (Default = I Dont Know What Is Your Password)
<Hostname></Hostname> Your WanIP/LanIP (Default =
<Port>2000</Port> Server Port (Not Sure)
<MaxNodes>10000</MaxNodes> (Dont Know =.=)
HKO_NPCServer_092404\npclogin.cfg and login.cfg Havent Know YET>.<
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