Close this too :( ?? Akia ??

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
ALL LINKS ARE Rapide i think

i need some one help me not give me links there no help's of how to make


+ SERVER WITH /go 1 - 6 /goto [name ] for normal player's :(

WHY CLOSE MY theard i read all :eek6: no how to
ALL LINKS ARE Rapide i think

i need some one help me not give me links there no help's of how to make


+ SERVER WITH /go 1 - 6 /goto [name ] for normal player's :(

WHY CLOSE MY theard i read all :eek6: no how to

The guide is with out hamachi..

I hate hamachi and will never use it. Go re read it, it has nothing about hamachi in it.
Guys that not ok :S

its Show's my IP Easy to get hacked :"(

please tell me another Guide for it PLEASE ! im giving up guys :(

I need Guide for without hamachi ! + /go 1 ` 6 for normal player's !

please and thaaaaaaaaaanks many amny alot alot

Guys that not ok :S

its Show's my IP Easy to get hacked :"(

please tell me another Guide for it PLEASE ! im giving up guys :(

I need Guide for without hamachi ! + /go 1 ` 6 for normal player's !

please and thaaaaaaaaaanks many amny alot alot


Go learn english, and The /go 1 ` 6 is simple, Rename command.ini to commands.ini and set the go: 99 to go: 100 and save, then restart the server.
:O no im respect All who help me 100 Time's

... ok now any one tell me how to make the server with out hamachi plz ?

really i want that and thanks All who help 10000 Time :)

Waiting the pro's .... just help me on this last time !
:O no im respect All who help me 100 Time's

... ok now any one tell me how to make the server with out hamachi plz ?

really i want that and thanks All who help 10000 Time :)

Waiting the pro's .... just help me on this last time !

Ok, last time I'm posting this. Go, to, the, stickies. The guide is WITH OUT hamachi. Ask again, and I'm closing this. I've answered it three times now.
Ok, last time I'm posting this. Go, to, the, stickies. The guide is WITH OUT hamachi. Ask again, and I'm closing this. I've answered it three times now.
you should have closed it eairlyer. i mean he is only going to post more stupid shit again, i think he is some dumb retarted wannabe 10year old with no life, or respect. thatnks
So what did you post that for? He's just Asian and doesn't understand "GO TO STICKIES"
Even though its simple enough to us, Or maybe German who knows, But he doesn't read the links, Theres probably 3 links in here by now to go directly to the Guide, He's just so bad at english he doesn't understand.. :/

Try not to be so mean, He's like a 3 year old niece or nephew learning english ;o
wtf ... ?? about english NVM !

I need SOME one HELP ME HOW TO MAKE MY server w/o HAMACHI !

and he will be GM that all !

just add me and help ! HERE : [email protected] OR sarah_meme2000 < YM

am waiting for someone help me :( ~!

Dont know how to make Portfirwand what ever that <

just tell me how can i make it with out hamachi and its all fine ~ !
wtf ... ?? about english NVM !

I need SOME one HELP ME HOW TO MAKE MY server w/o HAMACHI !

and he will be GM that all !

just add me and help ! HERE : [email protected] OR sarah_meme2000 < YM

am waiting for someone help me :( ~!

Dont know how to make Portfirwand what ever that <

just tell me how can i make it with out hamachi and its all fine ~ !

Someone like Redirect his browser every time he logs in to the guide page for 24 hours?
Other then that please close this topic x_x
Ok, obviously you can't click the links I've given you three times now.

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