
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 18, 2006
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Post your strange coincidences here.

Mine, in KalOnline priv. server, one of the files that controls the text in-game (it has coding system), it got an error, and apparently, the error is on the part: sys 666
we've got an A666 where i live [mini-motorway]

my weirdest coincidence was about 3 years ago - was chatting to 2 [rather hot] girls on msn, and mentioned to one that i was going in manchester with a mate that day, and she said "oh, why dont we meet up then?" so we did, and she said "just need to wait for my best mate" so her best mate showed up and we all wandered off to a park and me and the girl's best mate were messing about and chatting and she said "oh, ill add u to my msn, im [whatever]"...turns out she was the other [/g] girl id been chatting to ^_^
on the 6th say of the 6th month of the 2006 [6/6/06]

I couldnt sleep all night and the next morning i found out my grandmother had died in the night

freaky aye....
Hate to break to you guys, but 666 isn't the number of the devil, old documents show that 661 is the number of the devil.
Anyway, the 100 year war started on the year 1337.

Yeah, we all know. But remember, people like pop history. Doesn't matter if it's right or not ;). People suck. :P
" In Northeastern New Mexico was a hwy 666, the highway name is now changed because the road sign was stolen too many times. "


highway 666 in utah....

That makes no since. Why would they change it from 666 to 491?

If you go by the standard road naming conventions it don't make since.

Odd number roads signify roads that travel north and south. While even number roads signify roads that travel east and west. So they changed it from a road going east and west to a road going north and south? That just doesn't add up. ;)

And what's up with this thread? It's just spam. O.O

NoPeace - out
My strangest coincidence:

One day I went onto this forum, this forum wasn't exactly friendly to me on my first day as on my second post someone told me to piss off =O

Then they commented on how it looks like I'm being assraped in my Profile picture (<-----).

And then, my mate said exactly the same thing about the exact picture! and then my other mate, and then the other. It ended there, as I only have 3 friends :(

I need some luvin :(

NOTE: The quality of the pic when it's been re-sized by the forum simply sucks -.-