Combat Arms: All the Things I Have (CA:R, CA:Reloaded, CA Stuff)

Jul 6, 2017
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I'm kind of sick of all the things floating around for combat arms. People getting scammed by the fake sales of source code, and potential virus worries with binaries made by friends and I over the years. This post aims to put *everything I have* out there. Will this make Valofe mad? Maybe? I just want to end the negativity and scamming, but this stuff being public, I don't think is a major issue any more.

Combat Arms: Reborn v1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
This includes the dedicated server. All you have to do is port forward 27888, or whatever custom port, then share the IP:Port with friends to play together

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Combat Arms leaked Source
This is an item people have been running around selling on discord communities for 500+ dollars. I hate hearing about the scamming, because they share screen shots of it compiled and "working", when unless you have crazy knowledge to compile it. This code isn't for everyone. more of an archive purpose - There is another source code package floating around I believe from vFun. I do not have that one, and now that I've released this, I doubt I ever will

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CA: Reloaded UX Debug Build
This is something I haven't seen largely publicly talked about. CA: Reloaded, for those who don't know, is somewhat like a sequel to Combat Arms original. This build is a strange UX Debug build that was found on a sub-domain valofe didn't protect properly. I've never gotten it to launch, but if someone makes an anti-cheat removal/bypass version, it can probably be used for a private server development!

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Will reupload today when my internet comes back on. had a winter storm over night, knocked out the internet.
As far as stuff removed from mega, they were false take downs by someone named almexsois, alexsois, SkullZ.x, GM-CA. This is one of those scammers that sells the source code

updated the download links thanks to Logan ! ... good luck to that scammer taking down the direct link for that CA-Reloaded build.


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Who ever grabbed me VIP on RageZone, huge thank you for that. I just wanted to do some good for those who care about Combat Arms still. I do have a metric butt ton of lithtech jupiter stuff I could share. I don't know where exactly it would fit in on RageZone, but sharing is caring right? lol

Also, I'll work on getting secondary links tomorrow. I know mega sucks for some, but its the best upload speed I could find, and I wanted to get this out before I changed my mind lol

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Here is some mirrors by me too (The Files are untouched i just mirrored them as is):
CAR 1.1:
CAR 1.2:

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Good job. I’ve been looking for it for a long time and finally someone has shared with us.
I don’t know if it’s true but i’ve heard that someone has a version of CA Global from 2016. If you have it. Can you share it as well?