• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Complete Script showing Banned, Staff and Legends

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

i just have made this small script for all people who want to show :

- Banned member,
- Staff
- Legend Member

If you want to show legend member, you'll have to do this following query :

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Character]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
alter table [dbo].[Character]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Character] (
    [AccountID] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Polish_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    [Name] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Polish_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    [cLevel] [int] NULL ,
    [LevelUpPoint] [int] NULL ,
    [Class] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [Experience] [int] NULL ,
    [Strength] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Dexterity] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Vitality] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Energy] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Inventory] [varbinary] (1080) NULL ,
    [MagicList] [varbinary] (180) NULL ,
    [Money] [int] NULL ,
    [Life] [real] NULL ,
    [MaxLife] [real] NULL ,
    [Mana] [real] NULL ,
    [MaxMana] [real] NULL ,
    [MapNumber] [smallint] NULL ,
    [MapPosX] [smallint] NULL ,
    [MapPosY] [smallint] NULL ,
    [MapDir] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [PkCount] [int] NULL ,
    [PkLevel] [int] NULL ,
    [PkTime] [int] NULL ,
    [MDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
    [LDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
    [CtlCode] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [DbVersion] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [Quest] [varbinary] (50) NULL ,
    [Leadership] [smallint] NULL ,
    [ChatLimitTime] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Resets] [int] NOT NULL ,
    [Legend] [varchar] (1) COLLATE Polish_CI_AS NULL 

And now, put this script anywhere on your website :)

<style type="text/css">
.Style1 {color: #FF0000}
.Style2 {color: #00CC00}
.Style3 {color: #0066FF}
<div align="center"><strong>Members Information : <span class="Style1"><a href="?ask=Banned" id="Banned" name="Banned" target="_self">Banned</a></span> - <span class="Style2"><a href="?ask=Staff">Staff</a></span> - <span class="Style3"><a href="?ask=Legend">Legend</a></span></strong></div>
error_reporting(E_ALL ^E_NOTICE ^E_WARNING);
if (($_GET["ask"] == 'Banned')) {
$query = "Select * From Character WHERE CtlCode = '1'";
$do_query = mssql_query($query);
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<center><table width=\"500\" border=\"1\">';
echo '<tr><th width=\"200\"><center>Name</th><th width=\"50\"><center>Location</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Level</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Status</th></tr>';
while ($show = mssql_fetch_assoc($do_query)){
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $map = 'Lorencia';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $map = 'Dungeon';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 2){ $map = 'Davias';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 3){ $map = 'Noria';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 4){ $map = 'Losttower';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 5){ $map = 'Exile';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 8){ $map = 'Tarkan';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 7){ $map = 'Atlans';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 6){ $map = 'Arena';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 9){ $map = 'Devil Square';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 10){ $map = 'Icarus';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 11){ $map = 'Blood Caslte1';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 12){ $map = 'Blood Caslte2';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 13){ $map = 'Blood Caslte3';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 14){ $map = 'Blood Caslte4';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 15){ $map = 'Blood Caslte5';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 16){ $map = 'Blood Caslte6';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $row2[0] ='<font color=orange><b>OFFLINE';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $row2[0] ='<font color=white><b>ONLINE';

echo '<tr><td width=\"200\"><center>'.$show['Name'].'</td><td width=\"50\"><center>'.$map.'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>'.$show['cLevel'].'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>Don\'t Work</td></tr>';
elseif (($_GET["ask"] == 'Staff')) {
$query = "Select * From Character WHERE CtlCode = '32'";
$do_query = mssql_query($query);
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<center><table width=\"500\" border=\"1\">';
echo '<tr><th width=\"200\"><center>Name</th><th width=\"50\"><center>Location</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Level</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Status</th></tr>';
while ($show = mssql_fetch_assoc($do_query)){
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $map = 'Lorencia';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $map = 'Dungeon';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 2){ $map = 'Davias';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 3){ $map = 'Noria';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 4){ $map = 'Losttower';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 5){ $map = 'Exile';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 8){ $map = 'Tarkan';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 7){ $map = 'Atlans';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 6){ $map = 'Arena';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 9){ $map = 'Devil Square';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 10){ $map = 'Icarus';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 11){ $map = 'Blood Caslte1';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 12){ $map = 'Blood Caslte2';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 13){ $map = 'Blood Caslte3';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 14){ $map = 'Blood Caslte4';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 15){ $map = 'Blood Caslte5';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 16){ $map = 'Blood Caslte6';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $row2[0] ='<font color=orange><b>OFFLINE';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $row2[0] ='<font color=white><b>ONLINE';

echo '<tr><td width=\"200\"><center>'.$show['Name'].'</td><td width=\"50\"><center>'.$map.'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>'.$show['cLevel'].'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>Don\'t Work</td></tr>';
elseif (($_GET["ask"] == 'Legend')) {
$query = "Select * From Character WHERE Legend = '1'";
$do_query = mssql_query($query);
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<center><table width=\"500\" border=\"1\">';
echo '<tr><th width=\"200\"><center>Name</th><th width=\"50\"><center>Location</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Level</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Status</th></tr>';
while ($show = mssql_fetch_assoc($do_query)){
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $map = 'Lorencia';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $map = 'Dungeon';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 2){ $map = 'Davias';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 3){ $map = 'Noria';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 4){ $map = 'Losttower';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 5){ $map = 'Exile';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 8){ $map = 'Tarkan';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 7){ $map = 'Atlans';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 6){ $map = 'Arena';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 9){ $map = 'Devil Square';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 10){ $map = 'Icarus';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 11){ $map = 'Blood Caslte1';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 12){ $map = 'Blood Caslte2';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 13){ $map = 'Blood Caslte3';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 14){ $map = 'Blood Caslte4';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 15){ $map = 'Blood Caslte5';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 16){ $map = 'Blood Caslte6';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $row2[0] ='<font color=orange><b>OFFLINE';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $row2[0] ='<font color=white><b>ONLINE';

echo '<tr><td width=\"200\"><center>'.$show['Name'].'</td><td width=\"50\"><center>'.$map.'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>'.$show['cLevel'].'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>Don\'t Work</td></tr>';
Re: [Release] Complete Script

Hi all,

i just have made this small script for all people who want to show :

- Banned member,
- Staff
- Legend Member

If you want to show legend member, you'll have to do this following query :

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Character]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
alter table [dbo].[Character]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Character] (
    [AccountID] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Polish_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    [Name] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Polish_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
    [cLevel] [int] NULL ,
    [LevelUpPoint] [int] NULL ,
    [Class] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [Experience] [int] NULL ,
    [Strength] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Dexterity] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Vitality] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Energy] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Inventory] [varbinary] (1080) NULL ,
    [MagicList] [varbinary] (180) NULL ,
    [Money] [int] NULL ,
    [Life] [real] NULL ,
    [MaxLife] [real] NULL ,
    [Mana] [real] NULL ,
    [MaxMana] [real] NULL ,
    [MapNumber] [smallint] NULL ,
    [MapPosX] [smallint] NULL ,
    [MapPosY] [smallint] NULL ,
    [MapDir] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [PkCount] [int] NULL ,
    [PkLevel] [int] NULL ,
    [PkTime] [int] NULL ,
    [MDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
    [LDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
    [CtlCode] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [DbVersion] [tinyint] NULL ,
    [Quest] [varbinary] (50) NULL ,
    [Leadership] [smallint] NULL ,
    [ChatLimitTime] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Resets] [int] NOT NULL ,
    [Legend] [varchar] (1) COLLATE Polish_CI_AS NULL 

And now, put this script anywhere on your website :)

<style type="text/css">
.Style1 {color: #FF0000}
.Style2 {color: #00CC00}
.Style3 {color: #0066FF}
<div align="center"><strong>Members Information : <span class="Style1"><a href="?ask=Banned" id="Banned" name="Banned" target="_self">Banned</a></span> - <span class="Style2"><a href="?ask=Staff">Staff</a></span> - <span class="Style3"><a href="?ask=Legend">Legend</a></span></strong></div>
error_reporting(E_ALL ^E_NOTICE ^E_WARNING);
if (($_GET["ask"] == 'Banned')) {
$query = "Select * From Character WHERE CtlCode = '1'";
$do_query = mssql_query($query);
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<center><table width=\"500\" border=\"1\">';
echo '<tr><th width=\"200\"><center>Name</th><th width=\"50\"><center>Location</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Level</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Status</th></tr>';
while ($show = mssql_fetch_assoc($do_query)){
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $map = 'Lorencia';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $map = 'Dungeon';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 2){ $map = 'Davias';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 3){ $map = 'Noria';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 4){ $map = 'Losttower';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 5){ $map = 'Exile';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 8){ $map = 'Tarkan';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 7){ $map = 'Atlans';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 6){ $map = 'Arena';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 9){ $map = 'Devil Square';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 10){ $map = 'Icarus';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 11){ $map = 'Blood Caslte1';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 12){ $map = 'Blood Caslte2';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 13){ $map = 'Blood Caslte3';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 14){ $map = 'Blood Caslte4';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 15){ $map = 'Blood Caslte5';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 16){ $map = 'Blood Caslte6';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $row2[0] ='<font color=orange><b>OFFLINE';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $row2[0] ='<font color=white><b>ONLINE';
echo '<tr><td width=\"200\"><center>'.$show['Name'].'</td><td width=\"50\"><center>'.$map.'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>'.$show['cLevel'].'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>Don\'t Work</td></tr>';
elseif (($_GET["ask"] == 'Staff')) {
$query = "Select * From Character WHERE CtlCode = '32'";
$do_query = mssql_query($query);
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<center><table width=\"500\" border=\"1\">';
echo '<tr><th width=\"200\"><center>Name</th><th width=\"50\"><center>Location</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Level</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Status</th></tr>';
while ($show = mssql_fetch_assoc($do_query)){
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $map = 'Lorencia';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $map = 'Dungeon';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 2){ $map = 'Davias';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 3){ $map = 'Noria';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 4){ $map = 'Losttower';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 5){ $map = 'Exile';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 8){ $map = 'Tarkan';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 7){ $map = 'Atlans';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 6){ $map = 'Arena';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 9){ $map = 'Devil Square';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 10){ $map = 'Icarus';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 11){ $map = 'Blood Caslte1';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 12){ $map = 'Blood Caslte2';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 13){ $map = 'Blood Caslte3';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 14){ $map = 'Blood Caslte4';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 15){ $map = 'Blood Caslte5';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 16){ $map = 'Blood Caslte6';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $row2[0] ='<font color=orange><b>OFFLINE';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $row2[0] ='<font color=white><b>ONLINE';
echo '<tr><td width=\"200\"><center>'.$show['Name'].'</td><td width=\"50\"><center>'.$map.'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>'.$show['cLevel'].'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>Don\'t Work</td></tr>';
elseif (($_GET["ask"] == 'Legend')) {
$query = "Select * From Character WHERE Legend = '1'";
$do_query = mssql_query($query);
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<center><table width=\"500\" border=\"1\">';
echo '<tr><th width=\"200\"><center>Name</th><th width=\"50\"><center>Location</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Level</th><th width=\"100\"><center>Status</th></tr>';
while ($show = mssql_fetch_assoc($do_query)){
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $map = 'Lorencia';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $map = 'Dungeon';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 2){ $map = 'Davias';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 3){ $map = 'Noria';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 4){ $map = 'Losttower';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 5){ $map = 'Exile';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 8){ $map = 'Tarkan';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 7){ $map = 'Atlans';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 6){ $map = 'Arena';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 9){ $map = 'Devil Square';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 10){ $map = 'Icarus';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 11){ $map = 'Blood Caslte1';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 12){ $map = 'Blood Caslte2';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 13){ $map = 'Blood Caslte3';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 14){ $map = 'Blood Caslte4';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 15){ $map = 'Blood Caslte5';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 16){ $map = 'Blood Caslte6';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 0){ $row2[0] ='<font color=orange><b>OFFLINE';
if($show['MapNumber'] == 1){ $row2[0] ='<font color=white><b>ONLINE';
echo '<tr><td width=\"200\"><center>'.$show['Name'].'</td><td width=\"50\"><center>'.$map.'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>'.$show['cLevel'].'</td><td width=\"100\"><center>Don\'t Work</td></tr>';

don`t work :| make another script ..