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Computer help

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Celtic F.C #1
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Is there a way to delete everythin off your computer without having the recovery disk/master cd?

i tried formatting but got this:


  • format - Computer help - RaGEZONE Forums
    70.8 KB · Views: 42
Ummm are you trying to get XP back to factory settings or are you just deleting the entire hard drive and then installing something else?
ye i want xp bak to factory so i can get rid of all the shit on my pc

edit: actually im nor bothered i just want all this shit off ma pc coz i cant even start it properly i have ti go into safe mode
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If you have an install disc turn off your computer and boot it up with the disc in and see what options it gives you. Depending on the disc it may either let you restore to factory settings (if it's like an HP XP disc) or let you format and put a new XP on the drive.
started up with:

Official CD inside dvd rom and re-writer ** nothing happened
Copy of another XP CD in both drives ** nothing happened

DiGiDJ said:
started up with:

Official CD inside dvd rom and re-writer ** nothing happened
Copy of another XP CD in both drives ** nothing happened


When you say, nothing happened, do you mean, it didnt read the cd at all and just booted to windows? If so, you may have to switch your booting sequence in bios to cdrom first, but if we go to far into this I don't want to be the cause of wrecking your PC lol

Have you thought about just removing all the programs you don't need and using a program to deleted all the unneccessary garbage you don't want anymore?
i wud do this but

i cant start windows up normally i have to use safe mode
:S ill do that bios thing then ill update you
got it to work finished formatting etc....thanks guys

mod can close/delete
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