Conquer Server Help

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 27, 2007
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I have set up the Conquer Server just like in Ron's guide and I am running it off the latest CO client and it works fine on my comp, but A friend is not able to log onto it.

Also I'm not able to get the /item to work. Is there a reason why? All the other commands worked...
I have set up the Conquer Server just like in Ron's guide and I am running it off the latest CO client and it works fine on my comp, but A friend is not able to log onto it.

Also I'm not able to get the /item to work. Is there a reason why? All the other commands worked...
does your friend have the right server.dat file?

and for the / item u should leave out any signs but numbers and the name of the item for exmaple: u want a super +9 2 sock -9% +225HP level 130 backsword then u type "/item KingOfBacksword 7 9 2 9 225"
it should be in ur inventory after u do that ::)
does your friend have the right server.dat file?

and for the / item u should leave out any signs but numbers and the name of the item for exmaple: u want a super +9 2 sock -9% +225HP level 130 backsword then u type "/item KingOfBacksword 7 9 2 9 225"
it should be in ur inventory after u do that ::)

Yes i sent him the server.dat file that I use
You need to give him your public i.p address(not the 192.168...or and if you have a router you may need to forward the port.
does your friend have the right server.dat file?

and for the / item u should leave out any signs but numbers and the name of the item for exmaple: u want a super +9 2 sock -9% +225HP level 130 backsword then u type "/item KingOfBacksword 7 9 2 9 225"
it should be in ur inventory after u do that ::)

wrong its /item KingOfBacksword 7 9 2 7 255, u cant have -9 dmg lol
how do i put the global ip as the server for ppl to connect to that ip thats on the server. i kno wat to do but when i load the conquer server it only shows my router's ip ( instead of my global ip so how do i get my global ip in there? is there a port i needa forward? tel me the port to forward if i have to
how do i put the global ip as the server for ppl to connect to that ip thats on the server. i kno wat to do but when i load the conquer server it only shows my router's ip ( instead of my global ip so how do i get my global ip in there? is there a port i needa forward? tel me the port to forward if i have to
Thats the IP the servers listens for ports on. If you forwarded your ports on your router, the ports will go to that IP and then go to the server.
wrong its /item KingOfBacksword 7 9 2 7 255, u cant have -9 dmg lol
Wrong again.

/item KingOfBacksword 7 2 9 9 9

You can't have 9 sockets.

Where can I see what my global IP is?

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