ConquerOnline > server problems and fixes.

Newbie Spellweaver
May 29, 2006
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[Guide] ConquerOnline > server problems and fixes.

I been looking around and i seen lots of guides and posts on CO2 servers that will allow you to get a raw server running. Most DBs are not complete and most scripts are not yet added, among other things like bugs.

Its only been 3 months that iv spent on the co2 server and i been learning as I went. Its been hard... Well on this Thread I want to share step by step of my "ADDED WORK" to the CO2 server files. As that said, Im also in need of some help :poster_ss So what I was going to ask of anyone willing is to share what they know to what hasnt been added on this thread. This way we all could slowly make up one complete Guide of not only how to make a co 2 server but an extended guide on how to Edit: Database, Accounts, Characters, Monster, Monster Spawns, Monsters, and so on.

Now like other threads this one ill add some rules to it. This will alow the thread to go smooth and clean.


>All posts must be with in the Threads topic.
>No Leaching.. If your willing to help you will be helped.
>1 post per member. Always EDIT your post.
>All members that take part of this thread will be asked to share step by step of added work on the co2 server files.
>No noob posts. (This post is for members that already got the basic raw co2 server files.


Server Setup

1> Programs Downloads
2> Programs Setup Guides

Server Editing

1> VC 2005
2> pgAdmin III
3> CoFullServer


1> Files
Download this files but dont Install them yet. We will install them as we go.

2> Guides
a> Extract COfullServer

b> Extract Postgresql. Run postgresql 8.2 You should see

Select the language you like then press Start. click next. click next again.

c> Now you should see.

Click Next.

D> You should be at Service configuration.

Only thing you will need to do here is add the password ( make sure you remember this pass word) Press Next.

E> Now ou will have the Initialise database cluster page.

In here make sure you check Accept connections on all addresses, not just localhost. Also make a password ( make sure you also remember this one as well) press next.

F> Now finish off with the installation.

3> Extract pgAdmin and install. Install it under the default location. and press next. and then finish.

4> Now open up pg admin and run it. in pgAdimin cilck add a connection to a server.

In the address should be localhost, Description should be Conquer, Service leave it blank, Port should be 5432, Maintenance DB should be postgres, Username sould be Postgres, and the pass word should be the one you used in the postgresql 8.2 installation. now press ok.

5> After you creadted a connection click the + by the Conquer (localhost:5432).

Right click on Databases and click New Database. Name it Conquer and then press ok.

6> Now you should have something that looks like this.

Under databases you should have two. postgres and Conquer.

7> Right click on conquer under Databases and click restore.

Now you downloaded a file called ConquerBackups. Extract it and uplod it as the Filename in the restore window. then press ok. This will do a quary. after its done you should read and error. Press Cancel.

8> Now that we are done with that. we need to set up your ip.

Press the + on Conquer press the + on Schemas press the + on public press the + on tables then right click on Servers and click on view data. In there name your server and put in your IP. save and close.

9> To add accounts go to conquer database, go to account and just make the account id and leave the rest empty, the password you will get to make when you log on.

10> Now go to your co2 server folder and open Config. in there make sure that the DBname is postgres, and the password is same as what you used earlyer.
Also add your ip in both spots default and pserver1. Save and close.

11> To edit your conquer client. Open conquer2 folder and edit the server.dat file. on the first group and the first server should be snow white server. there replace the ip with yours. save and close.

12. To set up admin to an account. go back to accounts in pgAdmin and set flags to 8.

Now you are ready to test your server.



Updatieng..... Sorry for the slow progress..
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if i want to install postgresql 8.2 it gives an error that i cant open the install pakkidge. what should i do now ????

First did you exact the file ?
since its compressed.
How to download the program winrar install it and do a right click on the postgresql file it sould say exact.