• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

coupla questions

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
I know this is a big request but i hope some people can help me out.

-How do i make/spwan myself an GM ring ?
(meaning like 5000 mp/hp/stam rec rate)

-How do i properly use rank up commands ?
I used the ones found on the site,
i belive it was /PassRankUp but it has no effect.

-How do i fix item image is not prepared ? I Got some imortal weapons (imortal javalin etc) and stuff that have no item image when i spwan them using /@get command. There for the come un usable.

-I used goldanddroprate fixer tool in the past to set the right drop rates wich worked. However i want to set a diffrend now. I use it the same way as always but it just wont work anymore. (i used it at gameserver/monsters)

-There are some skin bugs with sgpt client wich i would like to solve. For example Lether armor is for sale at blacksmith and looks like dragon armor and costs 1kk.

once more i know this is a huge request but i still hope someone can help me out.

Thanks in advance.

(sry for the bad english)
GM ring.. eh i cant remember that one
make sure u have ur character set to gm lvl 3 before u try to rank up
if the items have no images then its client side, get a new client
i recommend rPT
ive no idea why ur gold/drop rate editor isnt working anymore.. try manually editing each file (i know that will take a while)

thats because they are custom items.. u can either edit them so they are powerful and remove themf rom the shops
or edit ur client.. or use a client without the custom items and that shall be fixed
Thank's for your help man. Though could you tell me a coupla more things:

-Where can i get the rPT client ?
-And i Always use GM lvl 3 but the rank up still has no effect.

so i download there client and run from it ? simple as that ? If posible could you give me a direct link ?

and yes i can spawn things etc but the rank up commands just wont work.
Thanks a lot :)
could anyone please as well tell me how to make edit items ? Like a GM ring giving it 3000 rec rate on hp/mp/stam for example. Or how to edit block rates of a shield or atack rates from waps stuff like that ?

Thanks in advance :D