[Cronous] Working server files from China

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
I had learn some basic knowledge on database and setting up game server from this forum. I hope someone who like this old game (like me) will find it useful.

The game is working fine, some NPC and maps are missing. If someone is kind enough to guide me how to learn to do the decryption and updating this game, thanks in advance.

Server file:
I'm sure I've played a sserver of this before, just looks like a MU clone... eww


forumboy - [Cronous] Working server files from China - RaGEZONE Forums

holy crap! Your right.
OMG LAME!! What's the wrong with you? The server files are up there omg..
It looks like MU a little yes, but this game is a whole lot better than MU.

forumboy - [Cronous] Working server files from China - RaGEZONE Forums

Well as far as I know so far, it works. Going to install the client now and see if I can connect to the server.

Just a heads up, CronosMSCH51101.exe takes A LOT of memory to start up.

If anyone wants to help me set this up and get everything working, add me to msn.

Since I couldn't get the old e-games client to work, I'm downloading the chinese client to see if I can have any luck with that.

Edit 2;
Ok, so the e-games client does work but it says I need a different version.

forumboy - [Cronous] Working server files from China - RaGEZONE Forums
Well I can't even get the chinese client to start.

forumboy - [Cronous] Working server files from China - RaGEZONE Forums

Giving it one last shot and downloading a 220mb file from the chinese website that released these files. Hopefully its a client that works..

Slowly progressing. =P
Need to find out what this error is and fix it now.

forumboy - [Cronous] Working server files from China - RaGEZONE Forums

I got the client from . The password for it is urgame.net.
It looks like and plays like MU, it's just MU with different sprites and names for stuff with a few extra things... so in theory it's still rubbish like MU


Just because it's similar to MU doesn't mean its a bad game. It is actually very different from MU. Cronous, in my opinion, is one of the best MMOs out there.

Watching that video shows how unrelated to MU Cronous is. The video can make the game look like crap, but until you really get into playing the game and are able to experience the full game, don't disrespect it just by comparing it to MU.
Just because it's similar to MU doesn't mean its a bad game. It is actually very different from MU.
I played it for a bit on a pserver, got to a fairly high lvl, tested most of the features and it's just MU with different sprites and some different features.
Cronous, in my opinion, is one of the best MMOs out there.
Wow... just wow.
Watching that video shows how unrelated to MU Cronous is.
The vid only really showed something like the castle seige from mir which was dif from MU, almost all the skills look the same as MU just a different effect.
don't disrespect it just by comparing it to MU.
Just because it's similar to MU doesn't mean its a bad game.
lol at that but, I challenge anyone to play the game and not think "This is like MU".

Who the **** cares what it plays like? I liked MU, I liked Diablo 2, I liked Mir, I will like this.

Don't like it? Get the hell out of the thread.


Ron keep trying, I got into the beta today so I'll be playing on the 22nd.