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Cursed weapons L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
May 27, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think this question has been asked before here:
How can i add a skill to a item (not stats to an item , a whole skill like item_id="7694" bind to skill_id="1326" something like that ) and i discovered that u can change the skill of "zariche" or "aka" but what i;m really interested in finding out is how to add 2 skills 2 "zariche" or "aka"
<item id="8689" skillId="1326" name="Demonic Aka"> this is the line from gameserver/stats/cursedWeapons.xml where i think is all the magic :D
I need to know the way to bind 2 id's from 2 diffrent skills to an item or zariche.

If you don't know exactly what i;m talking about do not post . I need some1 with knolege >:D< 10x :P
your wrong it was asked before.
maybe you'll be able to find the thread if u search the forum(google search)
your wrong it was asked before.
maybe you'll be able to find the thread if u search the forum(google search)

i don't think u know what i;m talking about ... not necesarily cursed weapons ... i want to attach a skill to a item and i need the lines on how to do it .
Instead of saying that there is another thread about this and bla bla using the same amount of words u could give me an answer :)
It's not hard u just have to try ;)
its not hard for u to just try search too though..
and i know exaclty what ur talking about if i wasnt sure i wouldnt post..
and if u insist the lines instead of trying to find by urself ... (like many ppl do :P)
here u go 4 example silence:
<!-- Silence -->
<skill onCrit='1' id='1064' lvl='14' chance='42'/>

u put it before u close '</for>'
and also its not hard for u to type a few words and search out for that thread ... but whatever some ppl just cant manage it
its not hard for u to just try search too though..
and i know exaclty what ur talking about if i wasnt sure i wouldnt post..
and if u insist the lines instead of trying to find by urself ... (like many ppl do :P)
here u go 4 example silence:
<!-- Silence -->
<skill onCrit='1' id='1064' lvl='14' chance='42'/>

u put it before u close '</for>'
ok ... 10x ive searched some similiar posts but couldn;t find it.
btw the line u gave me .. where can i find that ?? :D
and u still haven;t told be how to add a skill to an item :P
in XML files u can put for example chance of silence like in the line i pasted above.. u have to add it at the item u want in the XML(gameserver/data/stats), search for the id of the item and add the lines.you can edit it for the skill u want and chance,crit,etc..
did u got the idea now?

i don;t want to create a new skilll .... how many times do i have to tell you? .... jeeeeeezzzuuusss
I want To add nobless skills to noblesss tiarra .When you equip the tiarra u get the skills ..... or another example is zariche ... when u get zariche and equip it u get the passive skill "demonic sword zariche"
I told u if you do not post if you don;t know what i want to find out here :((
and i need to know where to modify that thing and the lines on how to do it ...
Hope now u understand
ur the one who doesnt understand a thing lol .. man was just helping no need to be so rude and stuff!!!
besides i told u all u needed so i dont see whats ur prob..
try to read more carefully the posts maybe ? :o
can u do that instead of being an asshole?
hmm... i didn't understand what u sayd there ... didn;t u just give me the chance of silence to catch on players?
sorry for beying rude man.. but for 2 weeks i;m trying to sort this thing out and no1 can help me ...
if you can .. give me a pm wih the exact lines containing an example
I want to add an active skill to an item ... let's say when i equip "ring of baium" it gives me the skill "aura flare" and i need the exact lines
And for zariche i want to add 2 skill instead of 1 :))
10x for helping me so far and i;m sorry if i have been rude :(
<item id='6617' name="infinity_stinger">
<set val='260' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>
<set val='137' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>
<set val='12' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>
<add val='-3' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>
<set val='433' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>
<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>
<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>
<!-- Silence -->
<skill onCrit='1' id='1064' lvl='14' chance='42'/>

do u finally understood what i meant with the lines?
i dont know if it will work out as u want but you can start trying/testing
no man ... not working ... but isn't that thing used to cast a spell when you hit a critical hit?
Let me give you an example of what i;m looking for :)
I have let's say "tatoo of absolute" ... i am a gladiator ... when i equip the tatoo i get the skill"twister"or "huricane" and i can use twister and huricane as a spell howler would but only i am a gladiator :D but i can use those skills normally :)
that's the line i;m looking for , the lines that bind the skill to that item :) not that cast a skill when a critical attack ocurs
so... no ideea yet on how i can do the thing ?
cmon ... some1 has to know... u can do anythign with lineage so this thing has to be posible :))
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