Custom Item Creation

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Creating Custom Items Tutorial

First this you NEED to have are the Rsi editors available on this forum in multiple places without them good luck. “File: RsiEdit.exe”

Ok Now that were started go to bin\Data\Item\Info in this directory you see several files. Each is an item Type.

1. Weapons
2. Armor
3. Jewelry
4. Food
5. Misc
6. Unique

When you open lets try Item01.rsi with the editor I named above move people cannot read this as it’s in another language or funny characters because nor you or your computer can read Chinese.

**Before I go any further I want to make this clear this Tutorial will cover both Server and Client side mods, since this HAS GOT TO BE DONE FOR BOTH or it will not work***

Server Side:

First thing Open the Item01.rsi in the editor seeing all this information is probably a little confusing at first let me break it down.

Starting with Column:
1: Category Type (IE 1 weapon 2 armor etc)
2. Item Image
3. Shop Desc
4. Not used till 4.5 versions but inventory desc
5. Mp lost from item
6. Mp Gained from item
7. Hp Lost from item
8. HP Gained from item
9. Attack power of item
10. Not used (Multiplier)
11. Defense of Item
12. Not used (Multiplier)
13. Strength item gives
14. Not used (Multiplier)
15. Spirit item gives
16. Not used (Multiplier)
17. Dexterity item gives
18. Not used (Multiplier)
19. Power item gives
20. Level required to use item

Im going to skip a few here cuz the next few are not anything to mess with. Well skip to where Column 28 is.

28. This is what Character can use the item you’re making
30. Not used
31. Which slot on the Equip screen this item will go
32. Not used
33. Animation if any for the skill usually just leave this at 0
34. Not used
35. Default price in shops (This can be modified in 3 places but this is the Default for it)

**Note: The line your editing in the editor is the item # in game**

Ok now we know what each column is and what it does.

First you need to use blank line in the table unless your attempting to modify an existing item is which case the item #’s I will post at the end of this tutorial.

I prefer to use a section with little or no items in it already it’s easier to find the item again if you make changes.

So let’s take Item01.rsi find line 100 this should be empty on your list. Now using this line makes the game see an Item# 100.

So in the first column you need to set what type of item it is now because this is in Item01.rsi this does HAVE to be 1. Next is the Item Image Say you want it to look like an Oak Sword Image 1 is the oak sword so well use that.

So far you have on line 100 1 1:

The next 2 boxes you can fill in what you want the game doesn’t read them and does not use them its more for in file notes is all

Move to Column 9 next skip the other till you have made a couple and have worked the kinks out of what you’re trying to make.

This is the attack of the weapon. So we obviously want it to have a good attack in 4.4 this is calculated differently then in a 3.8 server. A Sunset Stage 4 basic gives in 4.4 10k attack with no stages. This is supposed to be the strongest weapon in the game obviously it is. Now we want our sword to give lets say 15k attack making it stronger then a S4-10-10-10-10 sword. The Math for the stages is really difficult to display but you get the drift.

OK on to Defense… Column 11 is defense. This is what the weapon equipped will add in terms of Defense. S4 clear stat gives 2500 def so lets give it 3000 defense and on to the next few slots. 13 is the strength Gain the item gives, Mind you the max Value you can put in any of these columns is 65535. Let’s say we want this weapon to add 500 str, spr, dex, power. So for Columns 13, 15, 17, 19 will all have 500, next column 21 the level required naturally you don’t want someone level 1 to have this weapon so well make this column say 3000.

So now you have it looking like this

100 1 1 blank blank 0 0 0 0 15000 3000 500 500 500 500 3000

Now well skip all the others making sure they are 0 go to Column 28 we need to select the characters that you want to be able to use this Weapon. For any Char make sure all the boxes are selected. For Sword chars Only 204 is the Value. This selects Luna, Sadad, Kitara, and Destino only, if you want others to use a sword and they aren’t supposed to, the weapon wont work since there is no Image for that char holding a weapon.

Leave Column 29 and 30 at 0. Move to Column 31 this is where you want to item to go in the Equip screen since it is a weapon well use the basic 100 in the editor it’s the center box on top. 100 is just the value for weapon. Leave the Rest at 0 now for the last value. If this item will be sold in shops then you need to have a value here or you can simply leave it at 0 and then even if a player tries to sell it they will get 0 for it. If you put say 500 the player will get approx 250 for selling it. I would leave it at 0 but its your choice.

Now you should have a complete Item from the server side looking like this at line 100

1 1 blank blank 0 0 0 0 15000 0 3000 0 500 0 500 0 500 0 500 3000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 204 0 0 100 0 0 0

Now for the client side:

For the most part you need to duplicate the Serve side file and copy all the information exactly as is to the client file.


They may look the same but they are not. If you have one of the original editors you will see this.

Ok Client Side columns:

1. Category Type
2. Image #
3. not used
4. Message.ctf Ref # (will explain below)
5. not used
6. not used
7. not used
8. not used
9. Attack added
10. not used (multiplier)
11. Defense added
12. not used (multiplier)
13. Strength added
14. not used (multiplier)
15. dexterity added
16. not used (multiplier)
17. Spirit added
18. not used (multiplier)
19. Power added
20. not used (multiplier)
21. Level required to use

**Again a skip**
28. Character that can equip
29. Unknown
30. Not used
31. What slot the item Equips to
32. Not used.
33. Used for Animations. Such as Azlar Hatred the target catches fire
34. Not used
35. Default price in shops

Your client side will look like this:
1 1 0 44 0 0 0 0 15000 0 3000 0 500 0 500 0 500 0 500 3000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 204 0 0 100 0 0 0

Since before we didn’t have it add column 4 a # that’s not one that already exists. Example would be above 44 is the next # in line for weapons.

Now you see the only real difference is the CTF ref # this # if you’re creating a new item you will need to open the message.ctf file and add the information to this.

In the message.ctf you see categories they are the same as in the game really. Weapons armor and so forth. If this item is going to be a weapon you want to go in to the message.ctf find an unused line, and edit it with your information.

For the message.ctf if you have the one I have on the left side of the window there is a set of drop down menus there are in English since before we made a Sword will add it here

Go to 4 in the menu and then swords. Find an unused line. If there is not one go to field 10 on the left the Chat filter. And find an unused line. Double click the blank line doesn’t matter which one you pick. First change from 10_Chat_Filter to 4_Item01: Weapon. Then the second box Make sure it is 0_SW for sword, now the third box should be the # you placed in the CLIENT side Column 4 for this tutorial we used 44. So this box should read 4_Item01: Weapon in the top box: 0_SW for the second: and 44 for the third. Now the bottom is the Item Description for testing just type Test Item not used. Now click the top most right box to ok this. Be sure to save.

Ok now you have made a new item. You’re prolly thinking ok smart ass now how do I view it. OK there’s a few ways about doing this. One would be add this to a shop which I will explain in another tutorial later on. Or you can use GM tools to add it. The easiest way I would say is to add it manually to the DB to your Character.


**Redmoon-Inferno 2004-2006**

Item List:
1 1 Oak Sword
1 2 Teak Sword
1 3 Mahogany Sword
1 4 Greater Dagger
1 5 Dirk
1 6 Short Sword
1 7 Long Sword
1 8 Barnished Long Sword
1 9 Titanium Lons Sword
1 10 Broad Sword
1 11 Tempered Broad Sword
1 12 Adamantium Broad Sword
1 13 Falchion
1 14 Sabre
1 15 Cutlass
1 16 Scimitar
1 17 Tulwar
1 18 Sickle-Sword
1 19 Basilard
1 20 Claymore
1 21 Bastard Sword
1 24 Silver Sword
1 25 Gold Sword
1 26 Golden Sword
1 27 Bullion Sword
1 29 Glassteel Sword
1 31 Half Moon Blade
1 32 Eclipse Blade
1 33 Short Bow
1 34 Composite Short Bow
1 35 Recurve Short Bow
1 36 Long Bow
1 37 Composite Long Bow
1 38 Recurve Long Bow
1 39 Compound Bow
1 40 Kenyan Long Bow
1 41 Daikyu Bow
1 42 Silver Bow
1 43 Silver Daikyu
1 44 Silver Bow of Durel
1 45 Light Crossbow
1 46 Heavy Crossbow
1 47 Chu-ko-nu
1 48 Mithril Bow
1 49 Hawk Bow
1 50 Heartseeker
1 52 Sig P239
1 53 Bereta 92fs
1 54 Magnum .44
1 55 Desert Eagle
1 56 Colt
1 57 Walter 38
1 58 Astra 400
1 59 Luger Standard
1 60 Luger Special
1 61 Laser A1
1 62 Laser SP
1 63 Plasma Gun
1 64 Mills Grenade
1 65 MK3A2 Granade
1 66 Fragmentation Grenade
1 67 Incendiary Grenade
1 69 TOW Launcher
1 70 Bazooka M1
1 71 Pain Blaster
1 72 Slayer Blaster
1 73 Bronze Wand
1 74 Silver Wand
1 75 Gold Wand
1 76 Golden Serpent Wand
1 77 Gold Dragon Wand
1 78 Elemental Wand of Air
1 79 Elemental Wand of Earth
1 80 Elemental Wand of Water
1 81 Willow Spear
1 82 Ash Spear
1 83 Bronze Spear
1 84 Great Bronze Spear
1 85 Silver Spear
1 86 Silver Pilum
1 87 Gold Spear
1 88 Golden Shakujo Yari
1 89 Mithril Spear
1 90 Mithril Sang Kauw
1 91 Glassteel Spear
1 92 Ionian Spear
1 93 Moon Spear
1 94 Sun Burst
1 95 Langrisse Spear
1 97 Mithril Sword
1 104 Sapphire Wand
1 105 Azure Wand
1 106 Cobalt Wand
1 107 Frost Wand
1 108 Ice Wand
1 109 Glacia Wand
1 110 Mercury Wand
1 111 Venus Wand
1 112 Jupiter Wand
1 113 Wand of Betelgeuse
1 114 Wand of Sirius
1 115 Sun Wand
1 117 Flamberge
1 118 Heavy Claymore
1 119 Tempered Bastard Sword
1 120 Great Mithril Sword
1 121 Crystal Sword
1 122 Full Moon Blade
1 123 Sun Blade
1 125 Glassteel Bow
1 126 Crystal Bow
1 127 Rock Crystal Bow
1 128 Kevlar Bow
1 129 Bow of Arthemis
1 130 Iron Bow
1 131 Half Moon Bow
1 132 Full Moon Bow
1 133 Sun Bow
1 134 Solar Bow
1 137 Atomic Gun
1 138 Ionic Gun
1 140 Ionian Paddle
1 141 Crystalline Spear
1 142 Bane Spear
1 143 Fang
1 145 TOW2 Launcher
1 146 Bazooka M9
1 150 Forged Bastard Sword
1 151 Legendary Mithril Sword
1 152 New Crystal Sword
1 153 New Moon Blade
1 154 Nova Blade
1 160 Frost Staff
1 161 Ice Staff
1 162 Glacia Staff
1 163 Saturn Wand
1 164 Nova Wand
1 170 Crystal Spear
1 171 Hyperion Spear
1 172 Banisher Spear
1 173 New Moon Spear
1 174 Nova Spear
1 180 Qwiji Bow
1 181 Ionia Bow
1 182 Paradise Bow
1 183 New Moon Bow
1 184 Nova Bow
1 190 Laser A-5
1 191 Laser XT
1 192 Atomic Ray
1 193 Ionic Ray
1 194 Plasma Beam
1 200 Chrysaor
1 201 Spadona
1 210 Wand of Sacrifice
1 211 Randiour
1 220 Ranseur
1 221 Impaler
1 230 Prismatic Bow
1 231 Typhonic Bow
1 240 Azoth
1 241 Calabog
2 1 T-Shirt
2 2 Tank Top
2 3 Leather Shirt
2 4 Silk Shirt
2 5 Blouse
2 6 Poly Shirt
2 7 Army Shirt
2 8 Power Shirt
2 9 Dark Shirt
2 10 Jupiter Shirt
2 11 Doublet
2 12 LeatherVest
2 13 Silk Vest
2 14 Poly Vest
2 15 Protection Vest
2 16 Power Vest
2 17 Leather Pants
2 18 Silk Pants
2 19 Poly Pants
2 20 Army Pants
2 21 Dark Pants
2 22 Jupiter Pants
2 23 Speed Pants
2 24 Sports Cap
2 25 Bronze Cap
2 26 Steel Cap
2 27 Silver Cap
2 28 Gold Cap
2 29 Mithril Cap
2 30 Army Cap
2 31 Basinet
2 32 Armet
2 33 Crystal Cap
2 34 Dragon Cap
2 35 Moon Cap
2 36 Sun Cap
2 37 Bronze Scale Armor
2 38 Steel Splint Armor
2 39 Steel Plate Mail
2 40 Steel Brigadine Armor
2 41 Silver Samnite Armor
2 42 Silver Haramaki
2 43 Gold Do-maru
2 44 Gold Haramaki
2 45 Mithril Hara-ate-gawa
2 46 Mithril Haramski
2 47 Crystal Plate Mail
2 48 Dragon
2 49 Moon Armor
2 50 Sun Armor
2 51 Leather Gloves
2 52 Bronze Gloves
2 53 Steel Gloves
2 54 Silver Gloves
2 55 Gold Gloves
2 56 Mithril Gloves
2 57 Crystal Gloves
2 58 Dragon Gloves
2 59 Moon Gloves
2 60 Sun Gloves
2 61 Leather Boots
2 62 Bronze Boots
2 63 Steel Boots
2 64 Silver Boots
2 65 Gold Boots
2 66 Mithril Boots
2 67 Crystal Boots
2 68 Dragon Boots
2 69 Moon Boots
2 70 Speed Boots
2 71 Power Boots
2 72 Defense Boots
2 73 Leather Belt
2 74 Bronze Belt
2 75 Steel Belt
2 76 Silver Belt
2 77 Gold Belt
2 78 Mithril Belt
2 79 Crystal Belt
2 80 Dragon Belt
2 81 Moon Belt
2 82 Sun Belt
2 83 Leather Buckler
2 84 Small Leather Shield
2 85 Bronze Shield
2 86 Bronze Shield of Argus
2 87 Steel Shield
2 88 Steel Shield of Hymar
2 89 Silver War Shield
2 90 Silver Shield
2 91 War Shield
2 92 Gold Shield
2 93 Large Gold Shield
2 94 Mithril Shield
2 95 Great Shield
2 96 Gladiator Shield
2 97 Arthemis Shield
2 98 Crystal Shield
2 99 Dragon Shield
2 100 Moon Shield
2 101 Sun Shield
2 102 Sigrium Helmet
2 103 E-Vend Helmet
2 104 C-Vend Helmet
2 105 A-Vend Helmet
2 106 Sigrium Armor
2 107 E-Vend Armor
2 108 C-Vend Armor
2 109 A-Vend Armor
2 110 Sigrium Pants
2 111 E-Vend Pants
2 112 C-Vend Pants
2 113 A-Vend Pants
2 114 Sigrium Boots
2 115 E-Vend Boots
2 116 C-Vend Boots
2 117 A-Vend Boots
2 118 Sigrium Shield
2 119 E-Vend Shield
2 120 C-vend Shield
2 121 A-Vend Shield
2 122 Sigrium Glove
2 123 E-Vend Glove
2 124 C-Vend Glove
2 125 A-Vend Glove
2 126 Sigrium Belt
2 127 E-Vend Belt
2 128 C-Vend Belt
2 129 A-Vend Belt
3 2 Silver Ring of Strength
3 3 Golden Ring of Strength
3 4 Pearl Ring of Strength
3 5 Diamond Ring of Strength
3 6 Mithril Ring of Strength
3 7 BlueStar Ring of Strength
3 8 RedStar Ring of Strength
3 9 Bloody Ring of Strength
3 10 Chaos Ring of Strength
3 11 Garnet Ring of Strength
3 12 Aegis Ring of Strength
3 13 Soul Ring of Strength
3 14 Moon Ring of Strength
3 15 Sun Ring of Strength
3 16 Jupiter Ring of Strength
3 17 Poseidon Ring of Strength
3 18 Apollo Ring of Strength
3 19 Zeus Ring of Strength
3 20 Venus Ring of Strength
3 21 Silver Necklace
3 22 Gold Necklace
3 23 Pearl Necklace
3 24 Diamond Necklace
3 25 Mithril Necklace
3 26 BlueStar Necklace
3 27 RedStar Necklace
3 28 Bloody Necklace
3 29 Chaos Necklace
3 30 Garnet Necklace
3 31 Aegis Necklace
3 32 Soul Necklace
3 33 Moon Necklace
3 34 Sun Necklace
3 35 Jupiter Necklace
3 36 Posseidon Necklace
3 37 Apollo Necklace
3 38 Zeus Necklace
3 39 Venus Necklace
3 40 Spirit Ring
3 41 Eternity Ring
3 42 Individuality Ring
3 43 Regen Ring
3 50 Spirit Necklace
3 51 Eternity Necklace
3 52 Individuality Necklace
3 53 Regen Necklace
3 121 Silver Ring of Dexterity
3 122 Silver Ring of Power
3 123 Silver Ring of Spirit
3 131 Gold Ring of Dexterity
3 132 Gold Ring of Power
3 133 Gold Ring of Spirit
3 141 Pearl Ring of Dexterity
3 142 Pearl Ring of Power
3 143 Pearl Ring of Spirit
3 151 Diamond Ring of Dexterity
3 152 Diamond Ring of Power
3 153 Diamond Ring of Spirit
3 161 Mithril Ring of Dexterity
3 162 Mithril Ring of Power
3 163 Mithril Ring of Spirit
3 171 BlueStar of Dexterity
3 172 BlueStar of Power
3 173 BlueStar of Spirit
3 181 RedStar Ring of Dexterity
3 182 RedStar Ring of Power
3 183 RedStar Ring of Spirit
3 191 Bloody Ring of Dexterity
3 192 Bloody Ring of Power
3 193 Bloody Ring of Spirit
3 201 Chaos Ring of Dexterity
3 202 Chaos Ring of Power
3 203 Chaos Ring of Spirit
3 211 Garnet Ring of Dexterity
3 212 Garnet Ring of Power
3 213 Garnet Ring of Spirit
3 221 Aegis Ring of Dexterity
3 222 Aegis Ring of Power
3 223 Aegis Ring of Spirit
3 231 Soul Ring of Dexterity
3 232 Soul Ring of Power
3 233 Soul Ring of Spirit
3 241 Moon Ring of Dexterity
3 242 Moon Ring of Power
3 243 Moon Ring of Spirit
3 251 Sun Ring of Dexterity
3 252 Sun Ring of Power
3 253 Sun Ring of Spirit
3 261 Jupiter Ring of Dexterity
3 262 Jupiter Ring of Power
3 263 Jupiter Ring of Spirit
3 271 Poseidon Ring of Dexterity
3 272 Poseidon Ring of Power
3 273 Poseidon Ring of Spirit
3 281 Apollo Ring of Dexterity
3 282 Apollo Ring of Power
3 283 Apollo Ring of Spirit
3 291 Zeus Ring of Dexterity
3 292 Zeus Ring of Power
3 293 Zeus Ring of Spirit
3 301 Venus Ring of Dexterity
3 302 Venus Ring of Power
3 303 Venus Ring of Spirit
4 1 Goldfish
4 2 French Fries
4 3 Hamburger
4 4 Dumpling
4 5 Sliced Bread
4 6 Cup O'Noodles
4 7 Drumstick
4 8 B.B.Q. Ribs
4 9 Steak
4 10 Ice Cream
4 11 Pizza
4 12 Combat Ration-A
4 13 Combat Ration-B
4 14 Combat Ration-C
4 21 Spring Water
4 22 Beer
4 23 Wine
4 24 Chicken Soup
4 25 Cinnamon Punch
4 26 Soda
4 27 Tequila
4 28 Whiskey
4 29 Cognac
4 30 Blue Capsule
4 31 Blue Capsule+1
4 32 Blue Capsule+2
4 34 Ginseng
4 35 Sweet Potato
4 36 Caffeine Pill
4 37 Camouflage Cream
4 38 Pas
4 41 Coffee
4 45 Mind's Eye
5 0 Money
5 1 Microfilm
5 2 Tau
5 20 Memorandum
5 22 Red Potion
5 23 Blue Potion
5 24 Yellow Potion
5 25 Green Potion
5 26 Silver
5 27 Gold
5 28 Pearl
5 29 Diamond
5 30 Mithril
5 31 Cloth Dye NO.1
5 32 Cloth Dye NO.2
5 33 Cloth Dye NO.3
5 34 Cloth Dye NO.4
5 35 Cloth Dye NO.5
5 36 Cloth Dye NO.6
5 37 Cloth Dye NO.7
5 38 Cloth Dye NO.8
5 39 Cloth Dye NO.9
5 40 Cloth Dye NO.10
5 41 Cloth Dye NO.11
5 42 Cloth Dye NO.12
5 43 Cloth Dye NO.13
5 44 Cloth Dye NO.14
5 45 Cloth Dye NO.15
5 46 Cloth Dye NO.16
5 47 Cloth Dye NO.17
5 48 Cloth Dye NO.18
5 49 Cloth Dye NO.19
5 50 Cloth Dye NO.20
5 51 Cloth Dye NO.21
5 52 Cloth Dye NO.22
5 53 Cloth Dye NO.23
5 54 Cloth Dye NO.24
5 55 Cloth Dye NO.25
5 56 Cloth Dye NO.26
5 57 Cloth Dye NO.27
5 58 Cloth Dye NO.28
5 59 Cloth Dye NO.29
5 60 Cloth Dye NO.30
5 61 Hair Dye NO.1
5 62 Hair Dye NO.2
5 63 Hair Dye NO.3
5 64 Hair Dye NO.4
5 65 Hair Dye NO.5
5 66 Hair Dye NO.6
5 67 Hair Dye NO.7
5 68 Hair Dye NO.8
5 69 Hair Dye NO.9
5 70 Hair Dye NO.10
5 71 Hair Dye NO.11
5 72 Hair Dye NO.12
5 73 Hair Dye NO.13
5 74 Hair Dye NO.14
5 75 Hair Dye NO.15
5 76 Hair Dye NO.16
5 77 Hair Dye NO.17
5 78 Hair Dye NO.18
5 79 Hair Dye NO.19
5 80 Hair Dye NO.20
5 81 Hair Dye NO.21
5 82 Hair Dye NO.22
5 83 Hair Dye NO.23
5 84 Hair Dye NO.24
5 85 Hair Dye NO.25
5 86 Hair Dye NO.26
5 87 Hair Dye NO.27
5 88 Hair Dye NO.28
5 89 Hair Dye NO.29
5 90 Hair Dye NO.30
5 91 Origin Dye
5 92 Heart of Love
5 93 1st Street Map
5 94 2nd Street Map
5 95 3rd Street Map
5 96 Junkyard Map
5 97 Backyard Map
5 98 Downtown 1 Map
5 99 Downtown 2 Map
5 100 Downtown 3 Map
5 101 Downtown 4 Map
5 102 Sahara 1 Map
5 103 Sahara 2 Map
5 104 Purple Flower Seed
5 105 Orange Flower Seed
5 106 Blue Flower Seed
5 107 Yellow Flower Seed
5 111 Quickyne Small
5 112 Protyne M Small
5 113 Aryne Small
5 114 Adrenalyne Small
5 115 Moradyne Small
5 116 Dextyne Small
5 117 Anubyne Small
5 118 Protyne P Small
5 119 Visyne Small
5 120 Toxyne Small
5 121 Quickyne Big
5 122 Protyne M Big
5 123 Aryne Big
5 124 Adrenalyne Big
5 125 Moradyne Big
5 126 Dextyne Big
5 127 Anubyne Big
5 128 Protyne P Big
5 129 Visyne Big
5 130 Toxyne Big
5 131 Casino Entry Pass
5 132 Battle Arena Entry Pass
5 133 OX Quiz Entry Pass
5 134 Open Entry Pass
5 135 Casino Chip 1
5 136 Casino Chip 2
5 137 Casino Chip 3
5 138 Casino Chip 4
5 139 Casino Chip 5
5 140 Casino Chip 6
5 141 Star
5 142 Stocking
5 143 New Year's Money
5 144 New Year's Money
5 145 New Year's Money
5 146 New Year's Money
5 147 New Year's Money
5 148 Couradyne Small
5 149 Carbodyne Small
5 150 Couradyne Big
5 151 Carbodyne Big
6 1 Selion
6 2 Tamas
6 8 Jupiter
6 10 God of War
6 11 Noas
6 12 Tears of Heliades
6 14 Infrascope
6 15 Rajas
6 17 Spirit of Minerva
6 18 Nagrepar
6 23 Fresh Breeze
6 24 Largesse
6 26 Silpheed
6 28 Elein
6 35 Graupnel
6 36 Topaz
6 37 Aquarine
6 39 Holy Water
6 41 Ariadne's Thread
6 43 Golden Apple
6 45 Escape Capsule
6 46 Bloody Juice
6 66 Legendary Medicine
6 67 Poison Pill
6 68 Amnesia Green
6 73 Battle Dimension Pass
6 74 Power Pellets
6 80 Sword of Aelous
6 81 Wand of Gaia
6 82 Spear of Ares
6 83 Nemesis Bow
6 84 Madness Gun
6 90 Minerva's Tears
6 91 Minerva's Robe
6 92 Minerva's Blessing
6 93 Parcae's Plate
6 94 Parcae's Buckle
6 95 Erinyes
6 96 Rage of Erinyes
6 97 Will of Erinyes
6 98 Shield of Erinyes
6 100 Nauthiz Helmet
6 101 Nauthiz Armor
6 102 Nauthiz Pants
6 103 Nauthiz Boots
6 104 Nauthiz Shield
6 105 Nauthiz Gloves
6 106 Nauthiz Belt
6 107 Majestic Ring
6 108 Majestic Necklace
6 110 Manus Blade
6 111 Measure
6 112 Destruction
6 113 Creationer
6 114 Sauvagine
6 120 Upgraded Nauthiz Helmet
6 121 Upgraded Nauthiz Armor
6 122 Upgraded Nauthiz Pants
6 123 Upgraded Nauthiz Boots
6 124 Upgraded Nauthiz Shield
6 125 Upgraded Nauthiz Gloves
6 126 Upgraded Nauthiz Belt
6 127 Upgraded Majestic Ring
6 128 Upgraded Majestic Necklace
6 130 Upgraded Manus Blade
6 131 Upgraded Measure
6 132 Upgraded Destruction
6 133 Upgraded Creationer
6 134 Upgraded Sauvagine
6 140 Enhanced Nauthiz Helmet
6 141 Enhanced Nauthiz Armor
6 142 Enhanced Nauthiz Pants
6 143 Enhanced Nauthiz Boots
6 144 Enhanced Nauthiz Shield
6 145 Enhanced Nauthiz Gloves
6 146 Enhanced Nauthiz Belt
6 147 Enhanced Majestic Ring
6 148 Enhanced Majestic Necklace
6 150 Enhanced Manus Blade
6 151 Enhanced Measure
6 152 Enhanced Destruction
6 153 Enhanced Creationer
6 154 Enhanced Sauvagine
6 160 Augmented Nauthiz Helmet
6 161 Augmented Nauthiz Armor
6 162 Augmented Nauthiz Pants
6 163 Augmented Nauthiz Boots
6 164 Augmented Nauthiz Shield
6 165 Augmented Nauthiz Gloves
6 166 Augmented Nauthiz Belt
6 167 Augmented Majestic Ring
6 168 Augmented Majestic Necklace
6 170 Augmented Manus Blade
6 171 Augmented Measure
6 172 Augmented Destruction
6 173 Augmented Creationer
6 174 Augmented Sauvagine
6 180 Superior Nauthiz Helmet
6 181 Superior Nauthiz Armor
6 182 Superior Nauthiz Pants
6 183 Superior Nauthiz Boots
6 184 Superior Nauthiz Shied
6 185 Superior Nauthiz Gloves
6 186 Superior Nauthiz Belt
6 187 Superior Majestic Ring
6 188 Superior Majestic Necklace
6 190 Superior Manus Blade
6 191 Superior Measure
6 192 Superior Destruction
6 193 Superior Creationer
6 194 Superior Sauvagine
6 196 Protection
6 200 Durability
5 210 Orb Of Power
5 214 Key
6 239 Orb Of Strength
6 240 Orb Of Sprit
6 241 Orb Of Dextraity
6 242 Wedding Ring
6 243 Red Firework
Ok Client Side columns:

1. Category Type
2. Image #
3. not used
4. Message.ctf Ref # (will explain below)
5. not used
6. not used
7. not used
8. not used
9. Attack added
10. not used (multiplier)
11. Defense added
12. not used (multiplier)
13. Strength added
14. not used (multiplier)
15. dexterity added
16. not used (multiplier)
17. Spirit added
18. not used (multiplier)
19. Power added
20. not used (multiplier)
21. Level required to use

Correction, number 20 is the Level Required to use and 21 is the multiplier. Just wanted to make this clear :).
Hey, I just messaged you on MSN about this.

Im trying to help Nov change the sunsets and I have been looking at your item guide and I have a few questions/comments on it

Looking at your guide to what each column is, for 29 you say it is unknown, but it is actually the items weight.

Also, what exactly is the second column? you say it is the image, but what does that Image number reference? It does not appear to reference the actual item, the row number seems to reference the item.

I was looking at your client side item files from your last patch on inferno, and for example, item file 6, row 200 is a durability, but the "picture #" is 118 which according to your list, does not exist. and column 29 is 0, which is the weight of a durability. I can figure out how to edit the existing items from that, but adding new items stil seems a little confusing to me, since I do not know how to figure out the item picture that I want for a new item. Where is that number actually going to find the item picture, or is it simply a refernece in the message CTF file?

Any help would be great, and I will also try to figure out any of the unlisted tables if I can.

Thanks for the guide, it is a great help!
Ok, the column you list as the item# has to do with the picute of the item. The "original" items, i.e. the ones you get when you put into the database 6,190 (s4 manus) were numbered sequentually. There are gaps in the actual item numbers, but their picture numbers have no gaps in them. So lets say you make a new item in row 139 (which is bold and will be the item id in game) the item would look like 6 108 for the first 2 columns and if you then had the item 6,139 sent to you, it would have the picture of a s4 manus but be a completely new item.
12 and 13 if I'm not mistaking. And yes, it works in all versions. In the old Beta Diosa it was used for even more rare or special items then Unis and Sunsets. But they were taken away because they were dupe-able and drop-able. So people would constantly pk for them. Ignore that little history lesson :P. Those 2 slot numbers should work. 12 is for the top one and 13 for the bottom one.
well I was doing fine until I got to the message.ctf do you just use wordpad or notepad to view it because I could not find anything in it. it was the most confusing thing I ever looked at. I wanted to add a ring I created to go in the bottom left slot. where would i look in the message.ctf for this?
well I was doing fine until I got to the message.ctf do you just use wordpad or notepad to view it because I could not find anything in it. it was the most confusing thing I ever looked at. I wanted to add a ring I created to go in the bottom left slot. where would i look in the message.ctf for this?

To edit the message.ctf file you'll need to either use a HEX editor like frhed or Xvi32, or you can use the MessageConv application. If you plan on adding to it, you will definately want to use the MessageConv program.

Here's a link to it:
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thanks for all the help getting me through this.

I got one more question. how would I go about adding this item onto my character, I tried to to add it into my items through the gameid table but thats not working is there any other way to do this?
Your best bet would be to add it in to one of the GM shops, so you can easily get to it. But if you did want to add it to your character manually, here's a small explination of what the numbers mean.

For instance, to add 150 Goldfish to the first inventory slot on your character the line would look like this in the item column "0:4-1/150."

So to add say 250 Beers to the second inventory slot, the line would look like this "1:4-22/250.

Here's what each number means
Item slot:Item Type-Item Index/Item Amount.

If you wanted to add the item with a query, you could enter in this to analyzer. Just keep in mind that updating a column with this type of query will overwrite anything else in that column (ie. other items in the item column)
UPDATE tblGameID1 SET Item = '0:4-1/150.' WHERE GameID = 'nickah'
Alright I think I just got about got it Almost. I got the item in the inventory of a character. The Item shows up but I cant equip it also it has know name or any stats. which in the example above has all kinds of stats that I added with the rmi editor. btw I copied the example up top just to test it. So what I think is wrong is in the message.ctf here is what I added to it for that example item.
after i submitted it it was at the bottom.

Does anyone know what I could have possibly done wrong.
Easyest would be to add it to your GMTools. You just open your Item file with notepad, and look at how the items lines are in there. Then just add your item number and a name. The image should normally be blank so just look for that and mail it to yourself. Or you could just set up a small map for yourself and make it drop on that map. I prefer to do it through the GMTools.
This is a great tutorial, but I'm having trouble with the message.ctf part. I must have a different CTF editor than the writer of the tutorial had. I've got the MessageConv.exe program. Can anyone help me figure out how to do it with this program, or post a link to the CTF editor that the author of the tutorial used?

I'm having trouble here...
"Go to 4 in the menu and then swords. Find an unused line. If there is not one go to field 10 on the left the Chat filter. And find an unused line. Double click the blank line doesn
This list is not right. I can confirm. For instance on the client side its

Itemkind, item image, index message 2nd number, index message 3rd number.

What im saying here is that for example silver ring is this. for the first 4 tabs (the rest is ingame edit)

This means that in message ctf you will see this

6-4-0 which is equal to silver spir ring

3=itemkind (itemkind 3 Rings in message.ctf is 6)

7=image of item

4=message.ctf indexnr2

0=message.ctf indexnr3

Its certainly not nothing!

I have spir rings for lavita to wear as mage lav its pure only for her.

To add these to ctf i had to do the same thing with the index number to tell the item.file to read that in message ctf. So i have added index numbers for example like this within

Itemkind-3 (6=indexnr1) in ctf) (6 are rings)
Image-7 (silver ring image)

My message.ctf would have

6-1-355 Silver Ring of Love@A silver friendship ring.
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