Custom items in MaNGOS

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
I am not looking for skinning guides, I only want to create a weapon at this stage.

I've searched up and down for info on how to create custom items or, preferably, an automatic creator. I found one that does what I need ( , but the SQL query it generates gives me an error that I for the life of me cannot seem to fix.

So does anyone have a MaNGOS item creator that actually works?
I'd say it was a joke, and truthfully its how I meant it... but I actually use that to create my custom portals/items. Its quicker to copy data, mod it in excel and then re-import it with sqlyog than it is to use MDH sometimes.
I have gone into the SQL tables, I want to make a 2 handed weapon 1 handed, I edited the sql tables and changed it to one handed and also made it a diff. item number. I equip the 2 handed weapon and it attacks as a normal 1 handed but I cannot dual wield. Any way to fix this?