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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 30, 2005
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Hey all, once more><
The search function aint working for me.
I'd like to know:
Is there a easy way to create items?
Ow, I think u understood me wrong.
I meant: Custom items: like:
yrref's imba staff
damage: 123432
@yrref: open "GM_Commands_and_spawn_Items_v1[1].34.xls" (you can find it in the guide)
select "2nd job skills" down the page, copy the line of numbers (the first) corresponding to your char's job, paste it in Navicat in the character's table (class skills)....Do the same with the second line "skills levels"... Don't forget to change your char's class in Navicat/char's table, so it fits the skills.

I cant find it in the sheet, screenie me plz?
with the skills?
Well, then i need to add them one by one. Which will take a long time, unless u got a sheet for me with it all filled in already?:)
Thank you.
/item 151(the id) 2(theitemtype) 9(therefine) 1(socketed) 0(Im not sure about this though) 1(you want to spawn 1 gm hat)
This dont work???
In osROSE source, the item command is /item [item_id] [item_type] [amount] [refinement] [socket(0/1)] [stats]
as far as i know, there is no way to make completely custom items

but i had an idea, which i don't know if it will work for ROSE

but RunUO (an ultima online emulator) has a single .exe for the server, no mysql databse, and a Scripts folder, which contains all system scripts (like quests and events, AI), and an Items folder inside the Scripts folder, which contains weapons, food, and armor etc

again, might be impossible for ROSE
I don't think you can create custom items unless you edit the STBS (maybe), again I don't know.

But that's client modding.
as far as i know, there is no way to make completely custom items

but i had an idea, which i don't know if it will work for ROSE

but RunUO (an ultima online emulator) has a single .exe for the server, no mysql databse, and a Scripts folder, which contains all system scripts (like quests and events, AI), and an Items folder inside the Scripts folder, which contains weapons, food, and armor etc

again, might be impossible for ROSE
Yes, I know that;) Thanks anyway, i had my own UO server about a year ago.
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