DAP Screws Me Again..!

Jun 9, 2006
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Grr..! This is so irritating..!!
I just downloaded this huge file (installer) using DAP..

Well, the first time it ran perfectly..!!
Then I copied it onto my other drive and tried running again and now it gives me the NSIS error..!!

I tried skipping the damn check by using the /NCRC command but to no avail..The thing still gives me the same check error..!!
This is soo irritating..!!

Looked a few sites..They all say it might be because of using download accelerators..!! :(((( I hate this..!!

Anyone has any idea to get the damn file working again..!! It ran ONCE..!! dont forget that..!!
Grit your teeth and bare with it. The reason I prefer using DAP as opposed to standard windows download.. is that DAP will always resume a file if it supports it.. whereas standard windows downloading will very rarely resume a file, much less finish it without stopping halfway in and crashing ;)

Crap happens.. but get it again and I'm sure itll work ;)
Yeah. Thats the only reason I go for DAP coz it supports Resume. I'll download it once more and if the same problem persists again - I give up hope on this NSIS check thing.

Windows is now starting to make things very irritable now.
Check the cabling to your secondary hard drive to make sure it is not damaged and the correct type for the speed (ATA33 and 66 use 40-pin, ATA100 and 133 use 80-pin). If you're using SATA be extremely careful not to route the cables near the mobo nor put sharp bends in them. They're more fragile.

Also check the hard drive with a surface scan.

This probably has nothing at all to do with download accelerator.
I already did say. This particular issue is no way related to the download accelerator but such a problem arose various number of times because of a download accelerator.

In this particular case, the file must have go corrupt during hard drive transfer. I'll perform a surface scan though. Thnx for the advice.