David Icke - Secrets of the Matrix

I wish
Nov 15, 2005
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David Icke's alternative history regarding the Illuminati and royal connection. This is an excellent seminar expounding the role of freemasonry in our controlled society.

Everyone should watch this seminar.
I drifted away with my thoughts.

Video: David Icke - Secrets of the Matrix Pt 1 of 3 | Veoh Video Network
Video: David Icke - Secrets of the Matrix Pt. 2 of 3 | Veoh Video Network
Video: David Icke - Secrets of the Matrix Pt. 3 of 3 | Veoh Video Network

I'm still watching it, thought I'd share it with you boys & girls.
Worth every minute.

This is the kind of video you have to see atleast once in a lifetime.

I'm all that exists, I can do anything.

Don't think you are, KNOW you are..
Its my universe, I control my universe.

There is no time. So why not watch the video?

Part 3 is the best part, in my opinion.

Watch it and you won't regret it.
I will watch it...but the starting music is telling me to do otherwise...i shall ignore it.

Woah Hold ON! 2hours each??
I'll watch as many as I can.
Check out the videos of Michael Tsarion. He is less controversial than David Icke, who uses peoples alleged "visions" as fact. Tsarion presents his theories based on historical records/evidence, texts, and credible people.

Don't think too much about the information in videos like these or you may end up reacting to life rather than living it. A friend of mine who went by the name of "The Chosen One" became schizophrenic after delving into the world of conspiracy.