DBGT: Baby Saga (comments not download)

Loyal Member
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Idk I'm lost
This is retarded, period.... They got the water that cures stuff but yet he wastes it on trunks and gohan instead of putting it into vegeta while he was knocked out... Fing retarded if you ask me. Oh and the script is stupid too. They say things that make no sense or could of been put better. They totally messed up the DB series with DBGT. And how could they turn vegeta into a 'baby' >:|
I remember watching dbgt a year ago or so...
First half fucking sucked, but then it gets better.
I only seen bits of it before, mainly to find out what happens. Finally getting to watching it and its a little yawn. Mainly watched it for vegeta but this was stupid...
I still think DBZ is like 100% better. This is why other creators shouldnt try and remake a anime without going along with the anime's past. They've broke so many rules and WHO WANTS GOKU SMALL? >.>