DBO AKCore Taiwan progress report

Staff member
Oct 8, 2006
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We have quite a few things working now in AKCore Taiwan.
Proper player profile(almost)
Character states are correct
GM Commands working
Lots of tables loading(Lots to go)
EP/LP regeneration
Mobs/NPCs spawn and Despawn properly based on range
Flying(Since most people find that the most important)

Lots of work has gone into this in the last 4 days or so since i started working on akcore again.
Source is probably not going to be released again. After the time i have spent its not worth it to me. Possibly binaries but that is doubtful. This is more of a show-off thread showing what i have gotten accomplished in the last few days of being sick and working only on dbo.

Thanks marcomurta for getting me back into it and thanks luiz45 for getting me back into it.
a couple hours of learning how to read hex has lead to this.

SanGawku - DBO AKCore Taiwan progress report - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - DBO AKCore Taiwan progress report - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - DBO AKCore Taiwan progress report - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - DBO AKCore Taiwan progress report - RaGEZONE Forums
Thanks Dumke480 I remember when i wanted to join you guys but you weren't actively seeking developers then.
So I decided to go back to work on my own the other day when Marco got ahold of me.
I figured if someone else wanted to take my shit code and make it work, why can't I?
I have fixed so many errors that were in the old codebase in the last couple days its unreal.
Stuff that i was like "That seems ok it worksish" to "What the f**k was i thinking. Why isn't that initialized to NULL wtf past me"

Thanks for the luck. I wish you the same.
any news about tw server? i am developing dragonball of moblie....using unityEngine..
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hello ^^ in the moment only me and Kalisto work on old akcore code we has starting fix some crash bugs and implemented some things for TW version... in the moment i stop a litle because my computer has broken... we got some good work server is stable and can get 50 players online with out much problems... but we still need help from profissional

Sorry for my bad english
Did your server support 1.69 ?
Im starting a new project full hand made for 1.69 using boost asio.
At the moment i got some trouble With the client, the form of my send data are not recognize.

I try to talk With kalisto but he dont respond on Skype...
yes my project work on 1.69 tw version same version of DBO Global.. about the ecrypt of client we not have much info yet so we need use one client with out ecryptacion for can log in or need use the 9001 patch from DBOR
someone from revelation i think and BTW 9001.exe dont uncrypt data it just block function in client to encrypt data so client with running 9001.exe sending not encrypted data. Only Daneos team did a working encryption on server side but they stopped that for some reason. For encryption is used: XOR, TABLE with key, ssome kind of iterator. Because is a XOR so encrypt and decrypt is a same function.
Well ok, i throught the 9001 exe was a "proxy" witch get the packet and uncrypt it.
Is it 100% XOR system ?
Do you have the XOR key from client ?