Dead MMO questions

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Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hello! I guess a few thousand people still play this game so I need your opinions and feedback, I would like you to post below.

1. How long have you have played FlyFF?

2. What are your favorite FlyFF features? What would make FlyFF perfect for you?

3. Do you like the current classes? How would you change them if you could completely remake them?

4. How much of FlyFF could be changed and you still want to play it?
( what if the base game was more like a survival game? no one likes hitting small creatures 200 times for no good reason )

5. Would you be interested in a FlyFF "Clone"?

6. How do you feel about buy to play ( like Destiny on PS4 ) or a monthly subscription where all "CS" is free?

7. What online game is your #1 to play at this point and why?

Thank you for taking the time to read this I look forward to reading your responses.
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