Dedicated or What

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
I want run my PTserver in a dedicated server...
Someone can tell me where i find one good??
I search in google but i can find one good...
Ty =D

google didnt return anything on server boxes? :S ok thats a new one, i suggest trying again because there are many places you can buy one as long as u can afford to keep it running
personally i think your wasteing your money unless u know somehow ur going to get a return on your money
Yeah i find ones...
But i dont know how configure...
Someone can tell me basic configs to dedicated server to run pt
supporting 100 players on no-lag?
Ty =D
I see one here:
Server Type AMD 64 Athlon 3200+
Operating System Windows Server 2003 Standard ($50/mo)
Hard Drive(s) One 80GB SATA (FREE)
Bandwidth 100Mbps port 2500GB Bandwidth

Can someone help me?????
i do all my own hosting so ive never really ventured towards paying for one, so im not 100% sure

but personally if i was going to pay for something like that, id be looking for a min of 2 GB DDR Ram preferably dual core
and as for bandwidth... with 100 people on your server thats gona run the bandwidth down and i would say 2500GB wouldnt last very long

also, ur wasting your money if all you want is 100 people on your server, with a a computer witha decent set up you can easily hold that and u wont be paying monthly
also with most internet packages these days u get unlimited bandwidth
only draw back is that your areas connection might not be up to the strain
I wouldn't be worried about bandwidth since any decent dedicated hosting plan has unlimited bandwidth, what you should be worried about is ram and AT LEAST a 100mbit connection (1gbit preferably)
2500GB of bandwidth a month? Eh I don't think your dedi is gonna be able to host with that, our webhost does atleast 3GB a month.
He would be fine with 2500GB a month...the dedi I run doesnt go above 1kgb a month so

Dedi Hosting places - (Cheap, shitty support, but works..) (Little expensive, great support, and will do deals depending on there stock)