• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Dedicated Server Setup Problem L2O 

Jan 6, 2007
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Alright, I am having problems setting up this server on a dedicated box, and its getting extremely frustrating... To start off, I had no problem getting these same files running on a closed LAN. But after I moved to a dedicated, I have been presented with problems that are driving me insane. And without the search function here, I am finding it hard to solve this issue, so Im hoping the direct approach might help a little bit.

Ok, the specifics
Windows Server 2k3 x64
MSSQL via sa account

All the ini's and sql DB files were set to *with the exception of the 127.0.0. in the sql*
The only ip entered differently was in the config.txt under dev ip in auth\etc set to WAN.
The file DSN's have been set up, and to my knowledge are working correctly, i dont get repeated prompts for SQL login information during server boots.

When I start up the server, this is the sequence of events..
after starting cache, i fire up the Auth server, and get this.

HyperViper - Dedicated Server Setup Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

I have found other posts with this error, and none of the solutions corrected the problem, including the manual injection to register the server table in l2db
* I repeat* the server table has the ID#,Name,OutterIp, InnerIp, xxx, xxx, xxx, port all configured
if I go on to boot the server, I then get this

HyperViper - Dedicated Server Setup Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

I have never gotten those malloc (>32K) errors before on the closed LAN setup, and I have no idea what it means or where they came from.

anyways, all goes well for a few seconds, then it gets to the end of the server boot, and I get this

HyperViper - Dedicated Server Setup Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

I have seen these 4 errors on other posts as well, but none of the solutions have worked, or the thread died. To start, I am not sure what the cause of the Inspector.u or the PGFCV error is, I never had it on my last set up... so I am not sure whats causing it... And last but not least, the famous AuthSocket error, to which ALSO, no fix has worked for =/ So, as the Auth rejects the server, the server tries to connect one last time, then shuts down.

Now, when you go back to the Auth window, after getting that server error.. you get the same error thats often attached to the Authsocket problem

HyperViper - Dedicated Server Setup Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Now to me, after looking at all these errors, it looks like its one simple problem... the servers arnt properly connected to the SQL DB's.. I may be wrong, but its just what it looks like to me.. A cant connect to B, then its just a castcade failue from there. So, does ANYONE know whats going on here? or could anyone help me with this.. its going to turn me grey... I am not sure if its a port problem, socket problem, security issue, file issue, incompatability with the software.. Any other people experienced in dedicated hosting run into this before? Anyways,.. any and all input would be greatly appreciated..

Any suggestions on how I could tackle this? I am sure the DSN's are working because if I do something to make the DSN invalid, everytime I try to boot the server, I get the prompt to re-enter the DB information.
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Problem solved.. Its a result of my own retardation due to lack of sleep, rushing to get this thing up.. and Darklord your pretty much right on the money. For anyone interested in what the problem was or has a similar problem.. It is infact the DSN files not letting the servers properly connect to the DB. But its not that their was a problem with the files them self, it was the pointer. When you first run your Auth server, you get a prompt to type in the DB name/username/passowrd.. well my server files defaulted to l2comm. which I should have chanaged to lin2db, but instead, not thinking i put it to lin2conn, which pointed it to something completely different. and thats the result you get. To fix this, if you've fudged it up.. you just need to delete the DSN you pointed it to.. in my case it was lin2conn re-open auth, point it to the proper one, then recreate the lin2conn DSN, problem fixed.

*sigh of relief*
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