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[DEV] CHDEMU LaTale Emulator V1.00

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 10, 2009
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[DEV] CHDEMU LaTale Emulator V2 developing progress

For the version 1.0 please visit my blogger for more information and downloads

The version 2 is under development now. This version is fully refactored and will become a milestone release that support Item system and Motion & Skill system.

The version 2 is going to be released on Jan or Feb, 2014. (Don't hurry me, my current major is a pianist and my master degree courses are so busy :blush:)

Project progress (O: done, P: under working, X: not implemented)

The base work
|- O SPF file adapter
|- O LDT file
|- O Networking & Packets
|- O Database interface
Non-World Service
|- O Login
|- O Character list
|- O Character create
|- O Character delete
Stage & Map
|- O Stage and MapGroup info
|- O Terrain attribute
|- O World instance and MapGroup instance
|- O Map cell
Game objects
|- O Game object base class
|- O Map event (portal and NPC)
|- O Player
|- X Monster
|- X Looting bag
Coord system
|- O Reverse engineering of the coord calculating from the client
|- X Some hacks will be needed in the future
Status system
|- O Status info from LDT
|- O Creature status base class
|- P Player status
|- X Monster status
Effect system
|- O Effect info from LDT
|- O Effect interface of a creature
|- O Effect status
|- X Effect event
|- X Effect battle
Item system
|- O Item info from LDT
|- O Item archive of a creature
|- P Item operate interface
|- P Equip status
|- X Equip effect
Motion & Skill system
|- O Motion info from LDT
|- X Skill info from LDT
|- X Motion combo system
|- P Motion type & Motion ID
|- X ARG & DRG files
|- P Motion status and effect

EDIT: In China, we often say 'no picture no truth', so here posts a developing image.

gmsj0001 - [DEV] CHDEMU LaTale Emulator V1.00 - RaGEZONE Forums
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Sadly we cant get the files, V1.42 China, becasue of some dickhead did hack him, so we all have to wait for the v2. oh well. if anyone have the V1.42 files than share it with us. :)

keep up the good work looking good. was to late to try it because you got hacked. so yea i have to wait for v2.