[Dev][Community project] Looking for someone to fix hacks :p

Actually, it can be fixed.

I think we need Legion to start on this.
I know exactly how to make Admin Console and it is Client Sided since the Admin Console just displays the actual commands which can be used, Then there is a chatbox in where you can type the commands with the correct parameters and it will run as if the client is saying --> UserID 0:1 is requesting (lets say..) MC_SERVER_HALT(Shutdown server) The console would then say to the client UserID 0:1 UGradeID 255 (or 254) so let the command(s) go through.

Thats basically whats happening. You can make a patch to stop the Admin Console appearing(Byte patch) but there will always be the Admin --> User DLL hack, This is when a Admin and a normal user using the correct DLL types the commands which gets the GradeID from Admin and switches it with his/her own.
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