[DEV] DBO KR Server Development

Newbie Spellweaver
May 25, 2014
Reaction score
Hello all!

So, for a while now I've been working on both TW and KR servers. However, I am focusing a little bit more on KR since both the client source and server source are out there, so it does make the development easier. I just want to show whatever I get done with the time I have between my studies and my free time. I am using an old AKcore source code that was released years ago. If anyone would like to work with this same source I will upload it to a github, so just let me know if you are interested!

I have made some small progress. So far, player attributes load from the PC data table rdf, as opposed to all the attributes being 1's and 0's from when the source was last worked on.

TLRtPFJ - [DEV] DBO KR Server Development - RaGEZONE Forums

I will have to fix the formulas for physical offence, defense, hit rate, etc. Currently working on fixing mob movement. I think that when this source was last worked on, mob movements are random instead of a set path.

Again, if anyone would like to work with this source, just let me know and I will upload it! Until next time! :wink:
I see, you still work on it. I’m interested in this project. It can be really useful to share what you have. And I have a question which one is better to work on it TW OR kR?
I see, you still work on it. I’m interested in this project. It can be really useful to share what you have. And I have a question which one is better to work on it TW OR kR?

Sure thing! I'll upload the source later today to either github or mega. To answer your question, it really comes down to preference, in my opinion. For me, I find it better to work on KR since we have both the client source and server source out there. That being said, you can implement new things to the client and server. In the case for TW, I don't think it's impossible to implement new things since we had one person show that he implemented new dogis, but it definitely is a more difficult task. To put it bluntly, it really comes down to what you prefer to work with xD
I know l that Daneos working on DBOG. He did a good work but there is still many bugs and errors. How hard it can be to make a server from zero? Because I saw many game with PVP server. And what about copyright © won’t it be problem for this servers? In next future I want to work on it with my teammate and want to open a local server. I was playing in TW server that’s why. I will work on it. But I’m still not sure there will be potential for this game or not :)