[Dev] Item Mall(Zuly)

Experienced Elementalist
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Element told me that he has dropped the Item mall so I'm picking it up.. Lol
Though I have no idea if he was just stating random stuff, He can still do whatever he likes.

But I'm going to work on my own, I have an idea how and I'm going to look through some references I can find, Anyone with more then basic PHP knowledge may contact me through MSN and join into the development of it, This isn't a release!

Anyways, If you want to help just add me to your msn or email me and give me idea's or suggestions.
Or if you know PHP you can help out, Probably alot, Thanks.

This is ZULY based, Not donation point based, My idea is to have the prices of each item customizable also.

This code will not be encoded, tampered with, or make you forced to buy it or poorly done, EVER even when its finished. Free for all the same way OsRose is, The way its meant to be.

Screenshot of what we have so far:

View attachment 38834
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I didnt just quit for god sakes. Dyeprey is making a free one. Why should there be 2?

WRONG, He's making trial shit, and not allowing people to customize their stuff.
This is OsRose, He's making money off it regardless, THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY.
Or Warrock or eAthena.

Just like theres cPanel, Plesk and.
Linux and Unix and Mac.
It doesn't matter who's better as long as you do what you know you can.

Sometimes Quantity is better then quality as well
Who cares what Dyeprey does? I don't, I care that if you want to do it, you do it, Stop making and excuses and do what you want to do.
Ignore what Dyeprey does, Because people believe in you as a coder to do the right thing, This is a Community not a Who's the best coder or who should do what competition

Element, Stop whining and do what you know you can do.
Item Mall has been decided to be released with Elements new CMS.
Element and I will be working closely together to make it a great release, Theres a screen shot of our progress now.


  • itemmall - [Dev] Item Mall(Zuly) - RaGEZONE Forums
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Looks pretty good guys, keep up the good work xD
Btw, will we be able to customise it so instead of zuly it will be real money?.. because we all need money to keep the servers up and i belive that item mall is a good idea. Alex and Element, I'll be looking forward to try out your item mall :)
Looks pretty good guys, keep up the good work xD
Btw, will we be able to customise it so instead of zuly it will be real money?.. because we all need money to keep the servers up and i belive that item mall is a good idea. Alex and Element, I'll be looking forward to try out your item mall :)

We'll probably make it a choice in the server config, Thanks for the support.
Great work , i'm going to use this instead dyeprey's for 100% !!!
(sorry dyeprey , i want a free item mall , no offense)
By the way could you make it so we can choose if it will
be zuly based/real money/zuly with donation points based ?
like :

"bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla

//Choose base of the item mall : 1 = enable 0 = disable
//Warning ! if you choose 1 on more then one you will have error !
//Warning ! if you choose 0 on all you will have error !
$Zuly based = '1';
$Real money based = '0';
$Zuly with donation points based = '0';

//Only if you choosed the thrid option with '1' :
//Amout of Zuly | Amount of Donation points you get
//If you want more then 4 options , make a new line and fill it like
the others."

And in the website , for the zuly with donation points based
make a new page that allows us to buy donation points with
zuly ?
like :

"Welcome to our item mall!
Would you like to buy some donation point ?
You can select one of these options :
2,500,000 Zuly - 250 Donation points [check box]
5,000,000 Zuly - 500 Donation points [check box]
7,500,000 Zuly - 750 Donation points [check box]
10,000,000 Zuly - 1,000 Donation Points"

Becouse i still want to keep some items to be rare ^^
say what you think of my idea , i hope it helps you.
I want to give some suggestions becouse i KNOW i will use this one for 100%!
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Well , alex , did you like my idea ? ^^
i hope you do :D

by the way , is this item mall giving the items straight to to storage?
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Element is the 1337 PHP Coder, I'm the 1337 HTML/Partial PHP coder, Element is slaving away now with all the advanced prospects, And I am giving him the user/people idea's client images and item codes etc.
A little bit for people to look at, The instructions are:
Execute the two sql files, into your Rose DB
edit config.inc.php
Mess around with it, This IS NOT completed, This is just something to play with, Moreover to give Element something to work with.

This is not guaranteed to work, and you have to be a PHP coder to finish it off.

This gives you an item mall but with no login/char information and this is Zuly and donation based, and a Shopping cart, This is also based off
Rifke's from osrose.
This is also template driven.
Most items need to be inserted into the database manually.



some one didn't know what osrose means. it means OPENSOURCERose not COMMERCIALRose. LoL