[Dev] La Gen - First AutoIt Private Server.

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
We were finally able to decrypt and encrypt packets and made packet support for AutoIt. I also made a Dev team because I was soloing before. Here is our progress:


- (Done)
+ (being worked on)
x (not attempted)

Login/Channel Server
Accounts -
Logging in -
Channels -
Channel Names -
Channel icons +

Character Server
Character slots +
Character Classes +
Character Names +
Character Creation +
Instance Channels x

World Server
Logging in x
Moving x
Moving (Ladder/rope) x
Chatting x
Sitting x
Skills x
Fashion shop x
Multiple Players x
Portals x
Event Portals x
Buddies x
Climb Speed x
Quests x
Point shop x
Instance Dungeons x
Last edited:
I updated it with the things we are working on, those should be done today. Maybe I'll get around to posting screen shots.
Hopefully, we can get a custom CMS. I need help with it if anyone wants to help. I don't need a GFX designer, I just need someone who can code html/php and can use MySql would be a plus. Currently im reading a ebook to understand php.
I think, i could help you with the php, server stuff, well i know a few people that are good with that, and created custom webpages, but they usually worked on maplestory but i believe them to know php and mysql good.
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