[Dev] LaVix

Awesome indeed, I just tested most of the stuff
Quests are working perfectly, NPC shops though need some works(some unknown parts).
Ahh, well good luck to you too. I think it'll all be worth it if everything goes as planned in the end. It seems like most attemps at this end up under the bed, so I guess that's why we spectators (who really have nothing to contribute to the development's progress, like me xP) start to get worried o_o;
Ok a few more updates,
Moving items/equip/unequiping works
Fashion works partially(wishlist, sell, get in/out), I need to somehow to make buy/gift items and the inventory inside fashion shop, but I have no money D:
Gift box is done(on bank NPC)
And I named a few packets that were unknown so we'll be able to program them later, and not waste time trying to figure what does it do.
More updates to come. :)
styx add this to the main post :o
I'll do that once it's actually added :P

Ehm just to let you all know, if I can't find anything usefull to code the movement handling (meaning serversided handling of walls and platforms and whatnot) I am not continuing this, sorry.

There must be data, because the client DOES handle it correctly, but I just can't find it.
Ahh... I wish I could help. At this rate, it looks like the project will meet it's end since you can't get the resources you need D:
Kay so in DATA\BGFORMAT there are x-x-xTERRAINFORM.FOM files. Wherein x-x-x is the 'mapid'. When viewing in a binary viewer, well it at least has hex coords in it.. I don't exactly know the structure of the file yet, but at least that's it xD I found that a while ago already, but couldn't figure it out, didn't really try though.
Hmm LaTale now requires you to log in from the website, which starts a launcher, and that launcher starts the client.. wondering how that works o.O
*sigh* here we go again, i am VERY VERY 100% sure this will fail just like the others, i mean i appreciate you guys trying ur hardest but...i dont understand why you just give up in the middle of it...i'm pretty sure it'l just be like "oh im sorry im stuck so im giving up" or "bah forget it i give up" or some other stories you can tell...like "DAMN!! i messed up im sorry" but w/e i support u but im not keeping my hopes up
No excuses here. I just suck at/am not able to reverse stuff, and will have a hard time figuring it out. If anyone else would be able to analyze how the new launching system works, I'm glad to continue!
lmao, jsut as i said...it was just another excuse -_-" guys! jsut stop with this server development crap. we're tired of it, if this is going to keep happening, then it all looks like a big game being played by abunch of childs, just so you could get peoples hopes up then break their hearts. Like srsly jsut stop this thing already, we appreciate u trying to help but we know u are not getting nowhere, so thanx.
lmao, jsut as i said...it was just another excuse -_-" guys! jsut stop with this server development crap. we're tired of it, if this is going to keep happening, then it all looks like a big game being played by abunch of childs, just so you could get peoples hopes up then break their hearts. Like srsly jsut stop this thing already, we appreciate u trying to help but we know u are not getting nowhere, so thanx.

Excuse? Shut up dude. In order to get the packets from the server you DO have to log-in to the game, ya know...sheesh. If you don't have anything constructive to say about the fact that they DO have progress then shut up and go play OGP-Latale...we know your only in here flaming people because you wanna play oh so bad.
BTW, there already IS a private server online, fully working. Only crap thing is that they bought the source from the company somehow...go play THAT so they can get back to work.

[EDIT]...after thinking for a second I realized what you are...
Someone sent you to try and stop people from competing with GP Latale, didn't they? It makes sense...seeing as most of the projects were run by small rag-tag groups that ended up either getting banned (for no reason, apparently) or having to stop because their computer died, they lost the source when a HDD died, or they plain and simple game up (and admitted it...) while THIS one was moving along and JUST as one bump in the road comes along you rear your head up and stay GIVE UP GIVE UP...
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Excuse? Shut up dude. In order to get the packets from the server you DO have to log-in to the game, ya know...sheesh. If you don't have anything constructive to say about the fact that they DO have progress then shut up and go play OGP-Latale...we know your only in here flaming people because you wanna play oh so bad.
BTW, there already IS a private server online, fully working. Only crap thing is that they bought the source from the company somehow...go play THAT so they can get back to work.

[EDIT]...after thinking for a second I realized what you are...
Someone sent you to try and stop people from competing with GP Latale, didn't they? It makes sense...seeing as most of the projects were run by small rag-tag groups that ended up either getting banned (for no reason, apparently) or having to stop because their computer died, they lost the source when a HDD died, or they plain and simple game up (and admitted it...) while THIS one was moving along and JUST as one bump in the road comes along you rear your head up and stay GIVE UP GIVE UP...

Woah, don't put to much thought into this, he's just mad people quit lol.
Excuse? Shut up dude. In order to get the packets from the server you DO have to log-in to the game, ya know...sheesh. If you don't have anything constructive to say about the fact that they DO have progress then shut up and go play OGP-Latale...we know your only in here flaming people because you wanna play oh so bad.
BTW, there already IS a private server online, fully working. Only crap thing is that they bought the source from the company somehow...go play THAT so they can get back to work.

[EDIT]...after thinking for a second I realized what you are...
Someone sent you to try and stop people from competing with GP Latale, didn't they? It makes sense...seeing as most of the projects were run by small rag-tag groups that ended up either getting banned (for no reason, apparently) or having to stop because their computer died, they lost the source when a HDD died, or they plain and simple game up (and admitted it...) while THIS one was moving along and JUST as one bump in the road comes along you rear your head up and stay GIVE UP GIVE UP...
Lol, i want to play "oh so bad" why would i? there is already a private server out there but, the problem is that they got someone to leak OGP files from ogp latale they PAID to get the file leaked, now if ogplanet knows this they'l sue for sure, go take your retarded comment elsewhere,the point of my comment was that you guys just give up. Even if you DO keep trying,Do you think ogplanet just stays there? they patrol this website EVERY hour/minute they know. Anytime a project has started being developed, they quickly make a move so that it'l get stopped, you ever wonder why they dont even bother suing the other private server? because they know they got something up their sleaves, they put the web login update op on purpose so that making a private server for LT would be impossible. Use your brain retard. Instead of you acting all cocky all over the internet, bro get a grip. (also i AM kind of pissed off) because, if you look at how many times the people had tried to make a "private server" and all we get is "oh no i messed up" or "oh no im stuck" EVEN if there is a web login client, if a newb came by he'l be like "FK you guys, with ur stupid games". i KNOW there is a web login but its jsut a big waste of time how you keep trying and trying and then there is always a problem, just fking drop it already, like srsly give up the whole shit. When a person that's ready to dedicate him/her self on this project let the person speak up, not that some one will come up and start it and end up failing at the end, thats bull shit.And believe me, GP latale is going to crash soon, might not be cuz of some internet error but ogplanet will take an action soon the web login is their first step.
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Uh, yeah okay so first of all I totally forgot about this thread because of school. (It's so bad that I am barely in IRC channels anymore :O)

Second of all, please stop the fight!? When my exams are over, I have two months of vacation.

Reading this
You don't have to use the Web Launcher, it's sort of like MapleStory, you can launch it from the website or from your computer and just login at the login screen once the clients loaded.
is something I didn't know. If it's still like that, well great!

I am not really a person who cares much about people who believe me or not (I do want to thank everyone who has got his or her hopes up though), I just do what I feel like, but if you all want I could make the trac public, so you can simply see what I'm doing.

My exams start next monday, and last 2.5 weeks. After that I have a week or so school, where we do nothing, so I hope to dev LaVix then.
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Well, seeing how you're busy with exams and such, I wonder why this hasn't gone open source. Maybe some random people could then take it and then perhaps improve it. I don't think any of the LaTale projects were open source, but I suppose you're concerned with having all of the credit since you've worked so hard. D:

I was bored and busy browsing the GP latale forums and looks like that guy found a way or something lol ... [ame="http://forum.gamespirate.com/showthread.php?t=12260"]GP Latale Community. I need your support - Games Pirate Forums[/ame] but it seems he wants to help GP LaTale even more LOL.
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