RoseOnlineCMS has been downloaded over 4000 times.
Admin Features:
There MAY be 1 update for this but that's it.
Admin Features:
- Delete an account
- Delete a character
- Edit an account (access)
- Edit a character
- md5 Registration On/Off
- Show GameMasters in rankings On/Off
- Site status On/Off
- Limit of users to show in the rankings.
- I will add 1 more function that ANY user posts in this thread.
- Edit there OWN character
- Delete there OWN character
- Edit there OWN character ( Add stats )
- Delete there OWN account
- Send requests to the GameMaster(s) / Admin(s) through the CP.
- Home (News)
- AdminCP
- Register
- Rankings ( Top ** ) <-- You edit the limit in the admincp
- Downloads
- Staff Pages ( This is done for you! )
- Voting page ( You must place a simple code in the config file. )
- Forums ( Included for you!! ) ( PHPBB with 1 skin that I bought. )
- Server Statistics page. ( Exp, Drop, Zuly, Uptime... )
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
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