[Development] CelthixDEV

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Junior Spellweaver
Jul 6, 2008
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Well, I mostly have nothing to do nowadays and I see this section is well.. Sort of empty.

So, I decided to make a new development on the first JAVA Latale Private Server.

I mostly just started today, and well.. The results are better than I expected. Managed to get to the first simple step, Login Screen.

The Channel Server and Login Server are already linked, the packet encryption/decryption is done, the packet handling and writing is done.. So, I guess its time to move on in-game.

I have no idea if there is actually a World Server to Latale, so I mostly just did the simple steps, LoginServer and ChannelServer. Got any ideas or useful information? Post it.

Update List:

[0] I already explained above.
[1] Fixed NullPointerException in Database Connection.
[2] Started on Login.
[3] Sniffed the packets needed till server select.
[4] Login Message works ^^.
[5] Starting Login Hash of AES.

Haiku01 - [Development] CelthixDEV - RaGEZONE Forums
if you've looked at my post of decoded packets you would of noticed where the world packet is.... best of luck anyways.... also giving the pic you have shown all you sent was the 0A 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 01 wich is unecrypted as is...
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