Heres the new pictures:
Heres picture of low level character warehouse open
Heres other picture adding an item to the warehouse
Heres picture of another character on the same account watching the warehouse, showing off with the imbued sword notice the damage is low due the fact its increasing only by 1 at the time
Heres picture me and other character, im also eating an potion so my health has increased since last picture. and yes the armor that the other sm wears is infinita armor
Heres picture showing items in the weapon shop at glacier, im about to buy that blade so watch out.
Here i show my stats before i equip that blade i just bought, and yes that armor gives you 15k defense :sleepy:
Here i changed the weapon, notice how my stats were recalculated
Here i buy book to learn it
Here i show my trainings before reading as you see i dont have any skills there yet. also im now in prairie since had to add some training points to this character.
Here i learned the book, notice my trainings went down and now this skill is always with the character.