[Development] HiveObj - Backpack and Tent Persistence

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Dec 11, 2010
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HiveObj is a small third-party program I've created in C# which saves tents, but I'm going to expand it to save contents of backpacks and keep on the ground.

This doesn't require any C++ editing

All you need to do is edit server_data.pbo file and gear_containers.pbo and you're good to go. :)

Also need to start this C# program HiveObj.exe before the server starts.

Features (inc. planned)

- Saves tent location

- Saves items inside tents, including gun attachments

- Saves ammo count of items/magazines

- Saves damage value of items in saves

Not completed

- Saves backpacks

- Saves backpack contents

- No 'cleanup' limit, for example, a timer will cleanup the backpacks and tents if you haven't touched in a week, etc.


- MySQL database

- All the libraries to run this program are included as the same to run the DayZ server

- Start this program before the server starts up, so I suggest having an automated restarter such as the one I've written for .bat files which will restart the servers every 2 hours

start /W HiveObj.exe


start DayZServer.exe -server -port=2302 -config=config\server.cfg -cfg=config\basic.cfg -profiles=dayzea.ChernarusPlus
ping -n 1 -w 7200000 > nul
taskkill -f -im DayZServer.exe

ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul

start /W HiveObj.exe

goto restart

I am not going to be releasing anything (as of yet) that will allow you to run this

The program starts when the server starts and then closes automatically when it's finished doing it's job

message boot up
X3K4Id - [Development] HiveObj  - Backpack and Tent Persistence - RaGEZONE Forums

some script code to communicate with program
Ttnk8df - [Development] HiveObj  - Backpack and Tent Persistence - RaGEZONE Forums

some program code
klz7Gsn - [Development] HiveObj  - Backpack and Tent Persistence - RaGEZONE Forums

in-game shots
3XxNj8r - [Development] HiveObj  - Backpack and Tent Persistence - RaGEZONE Forums

6wlNCgU - [Development] HiveObj  - Backpack and Tent Persistence - RaGEZONE Forums
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:o: Hoorah working tents :D:

Nice going man. Wish the best of luck :) But, why C# instead of C++?

The C# program is a proxy between the server and the MySQL database, it reads information that the server logs into DayZServer.RPT after editing some .SQF code.

So it means that you can have working tents in any version that has been released here (0.49 or later, because anything below didn't have the tent assets added).

I currently need help detecting when someone drops/pickup a backpack on the ground.
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I would love to hear some more feedback.

The fact that no one is replying and just looking at my thread makes me believe you're all leechers and won't appreciate my work.
I aprreciate your initiative and work but I don't know what feedback you want I think that's an info post and in my case I just start to try dev and modding some dayz private hive features (I used to play on lan with some mates) so many of your ideas sound really good but are almost unreacheables for my and for now so I will remain attentive to be a good leecher :laugh: just in case sorry my english and regards!
I aprreciate your initiative and work but I don't know what feedback you want I think that's an info post and in my case I just start to try dev and modding some dayz private hive features (I used to play on lan with some mates) so many of your ideas sound really good but are almost unreacheables for my and for now so I will remain attentive to be a good leecher :laugh: just in case sorry my english and regards!

Thanks! (:

After I'm done with backpacks being persistent, I'll make other important things persistent like protector cases and guns.
I think because you were asking for assistance most of us, myself anyway, just figured we should keep quiet so someone could help. I'm very excited you are putting this together, since I can do somethings myself but not persistence. I'm sure tons of small groups of people like my friends and I will be very very grateful! If you need maybe a custom item sometime for in game, or anything artistic I can help with such as splash screens, don't hesitate to contact me!

- Backpacks are now fully persistent

- Coded detection for dropping backpack

- Coded detection for picking up backpack

- Coded detection for swapping backpacks

- Bags survive restarts IF they have been dropped and have items in them!

Basically I've made it so, the server will cleanup backpacks which you have dropped on the ground in the next restart if it has 0 items in it.

It can be edited via MySQL.

EiAvPHU - [Development] HiveObj  - Backpack and Tent Persistence - RaGEZONE Forums

If you want to see it working perfectly, hop on my server in the banner below and you can test the persistence of bags and tents.

To do:

- Automatic server cleanup after a week if the tent/bag hasn't been touched.
everything sound good except "I am not going to be releasing anything (as of yet) that will allow you to run this" I understand that but I don't play via internet
cool man but you can edite dayzserver and put the HiveObj inside so 2 in one that can
I was out for a long time and am very happy to see that someone have succeeded into tent saving and is agree to share ! Great Job.
I'll look into it deeper and let you know if I have some feedback.

Keep going this way !
What kind of performance issues do you have ? where does it belongs to => Your tool, database, game ?
How often do you make the synchronization ?
What kind of performance issues do you have ? where does it belongs to => Your tool, database, game ?
How often do you make the synchronization ?

It's while / true loop in SQF

I can't be bothered to work on it at the moment, will be released eventually, but at the moment I'm very busy.
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