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[Development] Mu Online Mobile (Miracle/Origin) - Vr 1.4.3 Mu Mobile 

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Mu Origin & Miracle

QwqTgIi - [Development] Mu Online Mobile (Miracle/Origin) - Vr 1.4.3 - RaGEZONE Forums

(img from the game Mu sea)


Make server complete functional - Done
Fix source files erros - Done
Translate the source files - In Development
Translate the Game - In Development


Server Files / Porting Game to unity: Jeronima, Jeronima Team and Fallen.
Client Translation: Lucastx, SilkLicious, Zythe, WireShark.


25.06.2016 - How we said before, we made a huge progress on traslation, we got every tool to translate the whole game, but there alot and alot of content to do, some part it need to be done line by line, so it will take a while. For now there 3 People translating the game. There me, SilkLicious and zythe. Also we made a progress on the server files source, Jeronima almost fixed everything. Soon i get more news will be posted here.

22.06.2016 - Hello, Good news again.
We got sucess on translating the bin folder, quests, items and others stuff. Now we can say that our translate is in 90%. The Only the left is finish the translation of the files (There many). I would like to thanks the Zythe and SilkLicious for the extremely help.

19.06.2016 pt2 - Hello, good news.
I managed to translate the gameserver.
Now i need someone who knows work with utility, i have unpacked the files inside bin folder, but i have to repack it, and i don't have any idea how to do. Please pm me, or join in the development group on skype. If you need more information of what i did click here

Past Logs
19.06.2016 - We decrypted and decompile the Assembly-CSharp (All stuffs is right here), now we got a better source code, and we need to rebuild it, there some erros with some libs, that we are working on. Also we have a team from Jeronima working on the unity project, that will be able to get us the complete source, and possibility to also play it in browser or dasktop. But, if you are new here, a want to contribute, you can work trying to on Assembly-CSharp, that are located on bin folder inside the client, the source code is there. I will update the topic with the others tools shared today.[/B]

17.06.2016 pt.2 - I'm running a server test, the updates that we are making i'm apply there, the server is a dedicated and located on usa. For connect just donwload the client 20% translated and install it. PS: Its just a test server, may be offline sometimes

17.06.2016 - We have sucess on decrypt the Assembly, thanks to Jeronima. We also discover that client src its descompiled and not from the original source, e for the last we are going to try later move from asp to php xamp
16.06.2016 pt2 - We just found Client SRC, gonna start look at it

16.06.2016 - We are trying to translate the game, we tried to use english client, but it use other login system, and when you try to login in it gives you a crash. Then we thinked, we could take the files from english client and replace in the chinese client, we did, and it worked, but translate only 20% of the file. Then we looked at server files and found the GameRes folder, translated it complete, and again, it worked, but translated only 10%. Now we have 100% believe that the files are inside Bin Folder, but the files are encrypted, and if you try to copy and replace the files from the english client into chinese ones gonna give you a crash. So we are fucked until now :junglejane:

What have in this version?

  • The Login/Register System works perfectly
  • Multplayer user (no bypass anymore)
  • The game has 0 bugs
  • The game is translated 20%

How setup it?

  • Install C++ Redistributable Packages 2008/2010/2012 (Both, 32x 64x)
  • Install SQL Server 2008 (You gonna need SQL Server Management)
  • Install MySql (Install Navicat for view tables etc)
  • Install Internet Information Services Manager (IIS)
    • Install all services preferably
  • You will need config the IP located in
    1. GameServerFolder
    2. DatabaseFolder
    3. LogDatabaseFolder
    4. WebFolder
    5. Web_api folder
    6. Operate WebFolder
    7. Assets Folder in Client
    8. Smali Folder


Server + Client + Database's + MySQL + Web:
Database SRC(Not modified):
Client SRC(Not modified):
Client Translated (Only 20%):
English Client: (Its not working with this server files but you can get english assets)
Client Chinese: (The one that i used to start the translation and connect to my server)
GameRes Folder Translated (100%): (Some of this files translated affects the text ingame, like mobs, npcs and others stuff, not all)
Client Original: (This client has never been used, but if you still want it)
FullServer Files: (Here you gonna find all files, but mixed and in chinese)


Xml File translator:
Description: Used to translate the text inside GameRes folder.
Description: Used for unpack and repack the client.
ApkTools + Other stuff:
Description: Used for unpack and repack the client, and also sign the .Apk
Unity Decompile and Tools:
Description: Used for work with .unity files that are inside the client
Smali to Java:
Description: Convert .smali files to java
Assembly-CSharp Decryptor
Description: Decrypt the Assembly-CSharp.dll

Notable people who contributed :love:



Teemo Cell
Zoren Agan
Phan trong hieu


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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Good job! Well, ill download it, and take a look at free time. =) Gonna try to make it non-mobile, for PC oriented moar.:rolleyes:
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Good job! Well, ill download it, and take a look at free time. =) Gonna try to make it non-mobile, for PC oriented moar.:rolleyes:

Thanks, join in the group of development! We can help

Client source is decompiled version or is original?

Don't know, is what i've found, didn't have time to look to it yet, join in the skype development group for more info (Some people there working on it right now)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
decompiled, and not complete.
At least the client source that I have seems to be the original, whereas missing some files that I could rewrite if anyone is interested

Found 4 functions reporting decompiling errors like:
// // Current member / type: System.Void HSGameEngine.GameEngine.Network.Protocol.TCPInPacketPool::push(HSGameEngine.GameEngine.Network.Protocol.TCPInPacket)
// File path: E:\Temp3\Managed\Assembly-CSharp_Decode.dll
// Product version: 2014.3.1021.0
// Exception in: System.Void Push(HSGameEngine.GameEngine.Network.Protocol.TCPInPacket)
// 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。
// 在 ž..Žƒ() 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Steps\RebuildLockStatements.cs:行号 73
// 在 ž..”(•Ÿ ) 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Steps\RebuildLockStatements.cs:行号 24
// 在 †”.–.Visit(„” ) 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Ast\BaseCodeVisitor.cs:行号 81
// 在 ž..œ(”“ ™, •Ÿ €–) 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Steps\RebuildLockStatements.cs:行号 19
// 在 ‚–.™“.‹(MethodBody €–, ILanguage ) 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Decompiler\DecompilationPipeline.cs:行号 83
// 在 ‚–..›“(™“ œ“, ILanguage , MethodBody €–, ”“& ™) 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Decompiler\Extensions.cs:行号 99
// 在 ‚–..š“(MethodBody €–, ILanguage , ”“& ™,  œ–) 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Decompiler\Extensions.cs:行号 62
// 在 ——.ƒ˜.—(ILanguage , MethodDefinition €,  œ–) 位置 c:\Builds\245\Behemoth\ReleaseBranch Production Build\Sources\Decompiler\Cecil.Decompiler\Decompiler\WriterContextServices\BaseWriterContextService.cs:行号 116
// mailto: JustDecompilePublicFeedback@telerik.com

So I guess afterall it's just decompiled client source...
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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score

There some fix on gameserver, also we shared the tools and what which one do, a little "guide" of what need to setup it, information about progress, and a good topic design.

At least the client source that I have seems to be the original, whereas missing some files that I could rewrite if anyone is interested

Found 4 functions reporting decompiling errors like:

So I guess afterall it's just decompiled client source...

Yah sadly, but the Jeronima is working on get the client source, we gonna have something soon, he already uncrypted some files.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hello, good news.
I managed to translate the gameserver.
Now i need someone who knows work with utility, i have unpacked the files inside bin folder, but i have to repack it, and i don't have any idea how to do. Please pm me, or join in the development group on skype.

For example, i used the destunity to unpack it (you can download it in tools section)

How you can see it worked pretty well, extracted and created a folder.
wcnwglD - [Development] Mu Online Mobile (Miracle/Origin) - Vr 1.4.3 - RaGEZONE Forums

Inside this folder have the file exctracted, which is taoZhuangBak.tga. If you convert it to a jpg, you can see what is inside the image.
Note: the .jpg image is converted by myself.

3spi2M - [Development] Mu Online Mobile (Miracle/Origin) - Vr 1.4.3 - RaGEZONE Forums

What i need to do is, repack after editing for use in the client. But i don't know how to do that, accepting sugestion.

// The jeronima team still working on porting it to unity, but it gonna take 1,2 months, my solution is for now.


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Last edited:
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, good news.
I managed to translate the gameserver.
Now i need someone who knows work with utility, i have unpacked the files inside bin folder, but i have to repack it, and i don't have any idea how to do. Please pm me, or join in the development group on skype.

For example, i used the destunity to unpack it (you can download it in tools section)

How you can see it worked pretty well, extracted and created a folder.
wcnwglD - [Development] Mu Online Mobile (Miracle/Origin) - Vr 1.4.3 - RaGEZONE Forums

Inside this folder have the file exctracted, which is taoZhuangBak.tga. If you convert it to a jpg, you can see what is inside the image.
Note: the .jpg image is converted by myself.

3spi2M - [Development] Mu Online Mobile (Miracle/Origin) - Vr 1.4.3 - RaGEZONE Forums

What i need to do is, repack after editing for use in the client. But i don't know how to do that, accepting sugestion.

// The jeronima team still working on porting it to unity, but it gonna take 1,2 months, my solution is for now.

Well already try open this with 7zip ? to see maybe u can replace using it.

Try this tool too :


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Experienced Elementalist
Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
It has been a long time since I made a comment in this forum.

I want to ask wtf is this server running on MySQL for?

The web files are definitely NOT for MySQL they are for mssql look at the log in info you can plainly see that.

Muconn in the webfiles connecting to mssql database look at the login info.

set conn =server.createobject("adodb.connection")

conn.open "provider=sqloledb;source=;uid=sa;pwd=yrCFeP1u7QvAJ;database=account"


User Id says sa that it mssql.
MySQL is root.

I am not an expert in sql anyone know if these webfiles can be made to work with this server?
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
It has been a long time since I made a comment in this forum.

I want to ask wtf is this server running on MySQL for?

The web files are definitely NOT for MySQL they are for mssql look at the log in info you can plainly see that.

Muconn in the webfiles connecting to mssql database look at the login info.

set conn =server.createobject("adodb.connection")

conn.open "provider=sqloledb;source=;uid=sa;pwd=yrCFeP1u7QvAJ;database=account"


User Id says sa that it mssql.
MySQL is root.

I am not an expert in sql anyone know if these webfiles can be made to work with this server?

Only account db use SQL 2008. Server side is the mysql.
Also, you need iis to run it