[Development] Tree of Savior Official Source - Project: XSavior

Aug 27, 2013
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Untitled-2 - [Development] Tree of Savior Official Source - Project: XSavior - RaGEZONE Forums

Presenting you an interesting project with an end goal for the files to become fully open source and shared exclusively for Ragezone community.

Original gameplay & game review videos:


- What files do we have?
2017 Full Source, which includes:
- Server side
- Client side
- Game engine
- Official tools

- What's the goal?
We are looking for skilled people who are interested in this project and can help out ironing the source, fix everything that can be fixed in order for it to be compiled without any issues by anyone and then share it publicly with the community to continue development of Tree of Savior.

- How can I get access to it / help you?
If you are skilled in C++/C, motivated, interested, somewhat familiar with the game (or even not) and can prove your skills - contact us to discuss further (or fill this and we will get in touch with you)

- Why not sharing the source publicly from the start?
There are multiple reasons, starting with ongoing scammings and possibly growth of those, but also the fact that it's an old source which needs a lot work in order to make it fully working and enable community to do anything with it or do any kind of development or start your own servers, and this requires knowledge and skills in aforementioned C++ and C in order to make it real.
Second big reason was that it took us awhile to get the source code and we have to admit that we went through a scam ourselves, so we are not willing to just drop it as is, knowing very well that it will not be reaching a level where anyone enthusiastic enough could start their own server in a simple manner and work on this game easily - which is our goal and whole reason why we want to make it publicly available.
Thirdly - we want to make sure that all kinds of fixes will be coming completely for free, there won't be any sales or anything like that.

- This looks like a team recruitment, rather than development...
We are accepting anyone who's interested in joining this project in order to help us, but at the same time - this thread has been started to keep you updated about the work progress and all kind of changes, as well as access to completed parts of this source.

Final words:
Our inspiration to open source this project came from Mir4 and DBO, which is why we strongly believe that rather than gatekeeping something and being part of the people who let the possibility of multiple variations of game servers appearing in the future die - we chose to go this way.
Once the source is ironed out - we will release it fully to the public, while in the meanwhile, you might see multiple things coming out along the way.

With the blessing of MentaL - this project starts.


Github - [ ]​

Community Discord -

Full Source Structure:
(to be updated with description)

Main Branch:
> - bin -
> - EmbeddedBrowser -
> - ExternalLib -
> - geClient -
> - geclientlib -
> - geClientShared -
> - geDataCheck -
> - geLanguagePack -
> - geManager -
> - geMFCUtil -
> - gePacket -
> - geServer -
> - geServerShared -
> - geShared -
> - geTable -
> - geUI -
> - geWorldCollisionMesh -
> - GnomeExporter -
> - imc2DFrameTest -
> - imcClientLib -
> - imcCore -
> - imcCrypt -
> - imcDebug -
> - imcFileSys -
> - imcForest -
> - imcHealthMonitor -
> - imclbp -
> - imcIES -
> - imclpf -
> - imclib -
> - imcLogger -
> - imcOBBCollision -
> - imcPathEngine -
> - imcserverlib -
> - imcSMTP -
> - imcXML -
> - include -
> - ipch -
> - IdClientShared -
> - lib -
> - mfcutil -
> - R1SourceParser -
> - Release -
> - Sample -
> - statistics -
> - UriBrowser -

> - 2DAutoRender -
> - 2dStudiolll -
> - ActEffectMerge -
> - ActorStudiolll -
> - AutoCopy -
> - BTreeTool -
> - Dictionalization -
> - EffectEditor -
> - ErrorLogCategorizer -
> - etctools
> -- ChangeAllFileName -
> -- ChangeFileInfo -
> - ExcelDataExtractor -
> - IESManager -
> - InternalTest -
> - ItemDrop -
> - ldManager -
> - ldPatchMaker -
> - ldUpdater -
> - LightExporter2011 -
> - MakeRevision -
> - MapViewer -
> - MaterialConvertor -
> - ModelViewer -
> - MtrlEditor -
> - PatchMaker
> - PatchMakerNew -
> - PatchUpdater -
> - Python -
> - questauto -
> - R1 -
> - ScriptDocMaker -
> - SkinEditor -
> - SmtpTester -
> - SpriteViewer -
> - SymbolTool -
> - ThaiBilingUnitTest_MFC
> - UIViewer -
> - UpdaterDownloader -
> - WorldEdit -
> - XLS2XML -
> - XmlColumnEditor -
> - XMLConverter -
> - XRefExporter -
> - XRefExporter2011 -
> - FormToolBase -
> - ToolBase -
- GameStudio
- R1_Bot
- LD_Bot
- UICreator
- PECompiler

REMOVED from Updated Source:
> - Cyou -
> - CyouCPForClient -
> - NexonCRClient -
> - NexonGLMClient -
> - NexonLauncherClient -
> - NexonSSOClient -
> - SteamClient -
> - TOSLoginFaceBook -
> - UnitTest++ -
> - UnitTestAll -

- Tests Folder
> - 3dTest -
> - BenchMarkTest -
> - DBTest -
> - EchoServer -
> - EngineTest -
> - FlashTest -
> - geBTreeTest -
> - geIESTest -
> - geKnockDownTest -
> - geSceneTest -
> - geSkillTest -
> - geTestBase -
> - geUITest -
> - ImcActorTest -
> - imcAddonTest -
> - imcBaseLibTest -
> - imcContainerTest -
> - imcCoreLogTest -
> - imcDBTest -
> - imcDecalTest -
> - imcEffectTest -
> - imcFlashTest -
> - imcFontTest -
> - imcForkParticleTest -
> - imcIBP2Test -
> - imcLoggerTest -
> - imcSoundTest -
> - imcToolKitTest -
> - imcUIRenderTest -
> - imcUITest -
> - IMETest -
> - LogServerTestClient -
> - ModeTest -
> - MonsterItemRandomDropTest -
> - OldTest -
> - PacketTest -
> - PathEngineTest -
> - PropertyTest -
> - RandomTest -
> - ScriptTest -
> - ServerTest -
> - TransactionTest -
> - TxTest -
> - UnitTest -
> - Win32ThreadTest -

[More to come...]
Last edited:
Removed some unused elements from the source:

- Cyou
- CyouCPForClient
- NexonCRClient
- NexonGLMClient
- NexonLauncherClient
- NexonSSOClient
- SteamClient
- TOSLoginFaceBook
- UnitTest++
- UnitTestAll

GameStudio is somewhat working (requires more in depth checking and fixing smaller issues):

Can you summarize the existing issues in the source code?
A very very rough list:
- Old libraries that prevent it to compile using recent compilers.
- As source got leaked from 2017, it was also a development branch where they started to port/convert it to newer things, so it's a bit of a mix, a lot of tools got broken.
- Because of that aforementioned convertion/porting state - part of the source is broken and hard to compile.
- Currently biggest issue is rendering models:
I can be of some help. I worked on the decompilation of Grand Chase, Elsword, and Mu Online. Currently, I work for a mobile game company. I'm responsible for the in-house game engine based on cocos2d.
A new update on the work progress:

Developement team managed to push through the rendering issue and right now we have a 95% working models

Currently the work is to finish up rendering issues of all models and compile the most appropriate client to match the source date.

2nd target is digging deeper into source to remove unnecessary parts and reorganising libraries.

More updates to follow!

Recruitment notice:
As of right now, we have stopped getting people on board due to the fact that there are multiple people intensively working on the source and at the moment it is sufficient to move forward to do the basics.
We will recruit more people very soon and you can find a small recruitment form in the discord.
What's this?
This is a fixed one click client, which includes the client, server, and database. I see that the photos they posted are very similar to the client you are currently fixing. Perhaps you can borrow the database and client resources inside. So I shared it with you.
Uploaded parts of official source which has been removed from the one we are working on.
It's pretty much useless and possibly can be used for referencing of how it looked originally and what it contained or for any other reason you might find it useful, but the catch is to release it in a raw & fixed forms.

Github project link:
Uploaded parts of official source which has been removed from the one we are working on.
It's pretty much useless and possibly can be used for referencing of how it looked originally and what it contained or for any other reason you might find it useful, but the catch is to release it in a raw & fixed forms.

Github project link:
how much source is in this on github ? Why not share it for public . There is still selling going on discord groups and chines forums for x bucks . That will definitely not finish this blind circle . Or its the reason behind this why its not shared . ?
how much source is in this on github ? Why not share it for public . There is still selling going on discord groups and chines forums for x bucks . That will definitely not finish this blind circle . Or its the reason behind this why its not shared . ?
It's not building as is, requires a lot of skilled work, comes with a lot of things that needs a lot of work, as well as some missing libraries and such, some people are continuing to scam others with it, so announcing this let's the word spread as well.

It could be posted broken, but it will stay broken for a long time (based on previous experiences) and possibly private groups will make it working, but it won't get sufficient attention to make it running properly.

The goal is to post it as newbie friendly and everyone can start it, not just extremely skilled people, but that's why this is going to be posted slowly on here.
Oh so the 2017 leak that's been circling around for a while, but no one had password to. Just curious, did you purchase the password or brute force it?
I'm not sure about that rar at all and if it's actually legit or not (contents inside of it), but there was also an actual source for sale (separate to the rar) and that's what we've got.

It's a waste of effort to try to brute force the password on rar, as it is unlikely it being a simple word or anything like that, so we didn't even bother, but did hear how some people claimed that have the password and now they can be found in the scammer list of RZ.
Great work, I hope everything goes well, but could you share the project in its pure state so that some devs can work on their versions? I agree with you that many laypeople would have problems working in a src and it wouldn't really be useful for some, but it would really help intuitionists to enter and try to implement their own corrections.
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I remember people selling ToS sources for $8000... Then about a few weeks later, you could buy them for $500.

Good luck with the project, hopefully it'll turn out great