devil may cry Live ACTION SO DAM COOL

Beat part 1,2 and 3. Part 2 was the best if you ask me. Part 3 was ok but seemed short. I beat the game once then used a ingame cheat (not gameshark but a up,down,left,right type of cheat) to unlock all costume/characters. Lets just say, dantes brother's ultimate outfit is the shit. Hell's Knight ;D

Btw I thought this was a movie preview >.<
Going to go watch some in-game videos for this game, might rent it.
By the way, is Devil Man Cry 3 a good game?

It's supposedly the best out of all 3, with 2 being the worst. Played the first 2 levels and it was pretty damn good only playing until there, the Gameplay was much better than the first (which I thought was better than the second)

Beat part 1,2 and 3. Part 2 was the best if you ask me. Part 3 was ok but seemed short. I beat the game once then used a ingame cheat (not gameshark but a up,down,left,right type of cheat) to unlock all costume/characters. Lets just say, dantes brother's ultimate outfit is the shit. Hell's Knight ;D

Btw I thought this was a movie preview >.<

Nope, commercial promoting DMC3.
dmc3 for pc? O.o i was looking at some torrent sites but din't found it.... i love all versions of dmc .. they just rock :george:
Thank you demoslasher, I guss is time for some action xD
Oh yeah also theres this game called "Chaos Legion" pretty good to, it's kinda like Devil May Cry but with a sad story. lol
hahah sure... why not??
I finihed dmc2 using GameShark lol... there were some missions that were to hard... and confusing >.>