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1000 Posts 20 Happy Years
Nov 19, 2003
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In 2003 PWY decided it might be fun to create a database to record peoples masturbation habits. It soon became more than a bit of fun and on the 09/10/2003 10,000 people had joined in and we ended the survey. Here are the results, split in to girls and boys.
Boys (8251 of them) Girls (1749 of them)
99% masturbate 96% masturbate

0.93% Never masturbate. 4.23% Never masturbate.
30.11% Masturbate a few times a week. 55.69% Masturbate a few times a week.
17.15% Masturbate every other day. 14.98% Masturbate every other day.
29.60% Masturbate every day. 12.52% Masturbate every day.
15.05% Masturbate twice a day. 6.98% Masturbate twice a day.
7.16% Masturbate three or more times a day. 5.60% Masturbate three or more times a day.

70.38% Prefer to masturbate at night. 79.02% Prefer to masturbate at night.
29.62% Prefer to masturbate in the morning. 20.98% Prefer to masturbate in the morning.

3.70% Never use porn while masturbating. 23.56% Never use porn while masturbating.
10.57% Rarely use porn while masturbating. 28.19% Rarely use porn while masturbating.
28.69% Use porn 'now and again' while masturbating. 30.47% Use porn 'now and again' while masturbating.
44.82% Frequently use porn while masturbating. 13.95% Frequently use porn while masturbating.
12.23% Always use porn while masturbating. 3.83% Always use porn while masturbating.

18.60% Have been caught masturbating by their parents. 14.64% Have been caught masturbating by their parents.

3.25% Like masturbating to drum & bass. 6.17% Like masturbating to drum & bass.
1.51% Like masturbating to classical music. 2.29% Like masturbating to classical music.
85.38% Don't like to listen to anything while masturbating. 74.84% Don't like to listen to anything while masturbating.
3.96% Like masturbating to pop music. 6.69% Like masturbating to pop music.
1.31% Like masturbating to rap music. 1.89% Like masturbating to rap music.
4.58% Like masturbating to heavy metal. 8.12% Like masturbating to heavy metal.

88.56% Have masturbated in the shower. 71.93% Have masturbated in the shower.
5.78% Have tried to masturbate in the shower but failed. 15.32% Have tried to masturbate in the shower but failed.

64.34% Have masturbated outside. 44.65% Have masturbated outside.
1.71% Have tried to masturbate outside but failed. 3.14% Have tried to masturbate outside but failed.

51.06% Have masturbated with one or more people. 61.01% Have masturbated with one or more people.

8.70% Use lubricant while masturbating. 7.32% Use lubricant while masturbating.
36.99% Sometimes use lubricant while masturbating. 31.05% Sometimes use lubricant while masturbating.

6.80% Believe it is possible to get an STI from masturbating. 11.15% Believe it is possible to get an STI from masturbating.

22.07% Have masturbated over a family member. 8.46% Have masturbated over a family member.

5.81% Believe their habits aren't normal. 5.77% Believe their habits aren't normal

In contrary to popular belief, some people are actually normal ;)
Re: Re: Did you know

GohanSSJ said:
Neo just let me say this.... I LOVE THIS TOPIC.

why am i not surprised
NeoSparky said:

70.38% Prefer to masturbate at night. 79.02% Prefer to masturbate at night.

28.69% Use porn 'now and again' while masturbating. 30.47% Use porn 'now and again' while masturbating.

18.60% Have been caught masturbating by their parents. 14.64% Have been caught masturbating by their parents.

88.56% Have masturbated in the shower. 71.93% Have masturbated in the shower.

5.78% Have tried to masturbate in the shower but failed. 15.32% Have tried to masturbate in the shower but failed.

64.34% Have masturbated outside. 44.65% Have masturbated outside.

51.06% Have masturbated with one or more people. 61.01% Have masturbated with one or more people.

22.07% Have masturbated over a family member. 8.46% Have masturbated over a family member.

Girls you dirty little bitches, I like it. :D