Hy all im a little confussed atm what the dif ?
The only prob i have is adding new mobs can i do this with TD's files?
The only prob i have is adding new mobs can i do this with TD's files?
difference is:
my files already have fox mobs added, have all euromir npc 'images' added, have tons of bug fix's lomcn dont have, have several other features lomcn dont have (like the group thing where you get a msg asking you if you wanna group, b button for big 'minimap', all the new 2.3 skills working the way they meant to work not by copy pasting another magic and making it look different, ...
But if you carnt add new mobs whats the point?
But if you carnt add new mobs whats the point?
Diffrrence is TDs files dont have the certain tits from LOMCN always going on about some silly GPU.
the thing is ripman it's easy to add more mon files
but the question is which mobs do i allow to be added?
if you look at the current mon files there's 26 of them (including dragon)
there's about 50 different 'animations' tho for just those 26 files
which means that if i was to just add mon files i would have to force every mob to use the exact same frames
which means say you want to add a mob with a magic attack like wt/kinghog it wouldnt work unless i pick the right animation for it
or an archer also would never work, .....
sure i can add more mon files but in the end you could just aswel copy paste a scarecrow and add a new image over it since that's the only thing it's gonna do
the only thing adding more 'random' mon files is gonna do is add more 'scarecrow' type mobs with different looks
nothing 'special', do ppl really want hundreds of mobs that all just run after you? or would ppl rather have unique mobs with magics, special ai, .... (i know what i'd prever)
Looks people want more in your files TD as expected shame theres no source to make this possible and i doubt you want to code everyones mobs for them :rudolph:
Looks people want more in your files TD as expected shame theres no source to make this possible and i doubt you want to code everyones mobs for them :rudolph: