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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
I would like to know:
Is there a difference between GM and DEveloper?
If so how to become Developer
Thanks =)
Well, doesnt get me anywhere u know?
I just need the exact difference, and how to change myself to a Developer
Idd a developer is known as the programmer
A GM (= Game Master) is some1 ingame who do events :zippy:, maintain the server and will they HAVE special things in the game (e.g. GM commands, GM clothes)
So if you want to be a developer you should learn C++ (Atleast for Rose Online p.s files)
I would like some help on this one:
How can I learn all my class skills at the same time?
huh? You so funny though.
I'll help you if you want to learn C++.

Well, would be cool:) but what i meant:
I need skill books for my spells right?
Well, is there a skillbook that learns me ALL my skills at once?
@yrref: open "GM_Commands_and_spawn_Items_v1[1].34.xls" (you can find it in the guide)
select "2nd job skills" down the page, copy the line of numbers (the first) corresponding to your char's job, paste it in Navicat in the character's table (class skills)....Do the same with the second line "skills levels"... Don't forget to change your char's class in Navicat/char's table, so it fits the skills.

Well, i dont understand that one?
i cant find it in there,.
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