DiskW Problem L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 17, 2006
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hi there yesterday i was tryng to run the diskw from the start.bat it ran djust fine but when i tryed to run today it woudent start the disk W wount apear and i cant acces neither my web page neither my forum any idea? im under a router its D-LINK 604 maybe you could post my some ports that they use to conect so i could open them from the router i reinstalled windows and it continues to not start :( please help
it was something like this?
tichtomas - DiskW Problem - RaGEZONE Forums
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no it was nothing like that it runs ant then disapears even when the redirect.html apear it closes somehow i cant find out whats the problem i think that my router blocks acces to the internet and closes the diskw but the strangest thing is that i can lauch the mysql-nt.exe from the diskw directory but the apache server wount start do anyone know what ports apache uses??? i use kaspersky internet security could it block acces to because 6-day it was runing great but yesterday it couldent run
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um hit ctrl + alt + delete and go to process see if you have mysql-nt.exe or apache running if you do then close them. then try again. Cuz this happen to me b4 and when i did this it worked.
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whell ithink that these procesess dont start with windows i restarted windows the same so i tryed the ctrl+alt+del and theres no mysql-nt.exe or apache not even a W: drive in MyComputer what can it be ???
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