Dj Ravine Question

Newbie Spellweaver
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Aden Castle
Man ... sory if this is a noob question ... can u tell me the id of the VENDORS npc ? with TIER 1 2 3 ... :p TNX IF SOMEONE CAN ANSWER ME.. IM USING TBC SERVER ... OF DJ RAVINE AND ITS GREAT ,... I HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH THE SERVER EXCEPT CANT FIND SHOPS :p
Hope this helps you out.

DjRavine from said:
here are the tier vendor ID numbers for my repack...

DUNGEON TIER 1 [Mother Tier] - 100000
DUNGEON TIER 2 [Father Tier] - 100001
TIER 1 [Borat Tier] - 100002
TIER 2 [Viarra Tier] - 100003
TIER 3 [Xaranna Tier] - 100004
TIER 4 [Corina Tier] - 100005
TIER 5 [Tsubassa Tier] - 100006
TIER 6 [Areae Tier] -100007
HIGH LEVEL STUFF [Shin'to] -1000027
HIGH LEVEL WEAPON [Marc] -1000020

original thread link
they shouldn't. There isn't any special command to spawn stuff. Once a spawn is added to the server it is there until you delete it. MaNGOS isn't like WoWemu. You don't have to unlock the file for stuff to become permanant. what you can do is check the creature_grid database. when you spawn something it is tacked to the end of this DB.

A few things could be wrong with your spawn:

There is a possibility it's respawn is messed up... depending on the rebuild Dj used to create the server there has been a .respawn command implemented. Try that.

The size of the mob is too small to see. You can edit it in MDH. Make sure the creature's size is 100%
There was a bug no too long ago in the original revisions where mobs would 'disappear' after spawn when all players left that area and would not return until a restart/crash. Maybe this is still present in the TBC revs?