DJRavine's 2.0.10 repack - help needed

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 9, 2007
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Hey all. I'm using DJRavine's 2.0.10 repack, and I followed the guide exactly. I had no problem setting up an old 1.12.x server, everything ran smooth.

Following the guide exactly for 2.0.10, I cannot connect to my server. Mangos starts up without errors (except for the missing spell errors), but when I try and connect, I log in, and then the screen says "Success!" with a cancel button. It gets stuck here. If I hit cancel, it goes to "Searching for Realms" and gets stuck there instead.

Does anyone else have this problem? I have gone through the LAN guide, opened ports and everything, but even when trying to use I cannot connect completely.

go start>rund type cmd click ok it comes a dos window type in there ipconfig and hit the enter button and tadaa there is your lan ip use this in your confics
That is the correct address to connect to yourself. However, if its getting stuck, and not logging in, check to see if realmd and mangosd aren't just closing immediately upon running. It sounds like a DB error to me.
go start>rund type cmd click ok it comes a dos window type in there ipconfig and hit the enter button and tadaa there is your lan ip use this in your confics

Uh.. This isn't the issue.

That is the correct address to connect to yourself. However, if its getting stuck, and not logging in, check to see if realmd and mangosd aren't just closing immediately upon running. It sounds like a DB error to me.

Both realmd and mangosd open up just fine. They stay open. Logs don't show errors.

I just get stuck at the "Success!" screen when logging on.
odd. but like I said, check your realm and mangos DB's (Which with DJ's repack I think have to be mangos_bc... don't quote me on that) but if the server isn't closing out on you... they are probably named correctly. Anyway, check to see if the DB's are fully populated with data.

another issue might be an incorrect realm naming in the realm SQL file... I am not at my home PC so I can't name the table, but I think you know what I am getting at. Just check to see you have the SQL portion of the realm DB setup properly.
odd. but like I said, check your realm and mangos DB's (Which with DJ's repack I think have to be mangos_bc... don't quote me on that) but if the server isn't closing out on you... they are probably named correctly. Anyway, check to see if the DB's are fully populated with data.

another issue might be an incorrect realm naming in the realm SQL file... I am not at my home PC so I can't name the table, but I think you know what I am getting at. Just check to see you have the SQL portion of the realm DB setup properly.

All looks fine. Everything is set to Database is fully populated. No errors show for mangos.log or realmd.log.

I even tried setting everything to my network address, too. Same results.

Frustrating. I run a Mangos server for 2.0.1 as well, and that one STILL works fine.
go into both config files and crank up the level of logging as far as it will go... you'll HAVE to see something that could help debug this further then. It can't be a port issue, your playing on the same PC as the server. The only issue I have with this is that it isn't even letting you log in... it tells us the problem is in realmd.exe first. If we can get that figured out... you'll probably be golden.
go into both config files and crank up the level of logging as far as it will go... you'll HAVE to see something that could help debug this further then. It can't be a port issue, your playing on the same PC as the server. The only issue I have with this is that it isn't even letting you log in... it tells us the problem is in realmd.exe first. If we can get that figured out... you'll probably be golden.

Setting both logs to level 3, no errors occur. Even the connection doesn't seem to appear.

The realmd cmd window shows the connection and the successful login of my admin account.

But nothing else shows.
fer cryin out loud man... what did you do? lol

walking you through my train of thought... which you've probably already done.

k, its showing a valid login, so at least it's accessing the DB properly. Its not crashing so I think its safe to say things are configured correctly, but it is just not connecting to get the realm list. I have a feeling this is where its hanging. Do me a favor, try shutting down mangosd.exe and then log in.

If a server crashes, you are still able to log in and at least see that the realm isn't up. if it still doesn't let you see the realm, I'd say it could be that your mangos.config and your sql settings don't jive. If you have it on a strange port... 8086, this could be a problem... (This setting is all the way at the bottom of the mangos.config file)
fer cryin out loud man... what did you do? lol

walking you through my train of thought... which you've probably already done.

k, its showing a valid login, so at least it's accessing the DB properly. Its not crashing so I think its safe to say things are configured correctly, but it is just not connecting to get the realm list. I have a feeling this is where its hanging. Do me a favor, try shutting down mangosd.exe and then log in.

If a server crashes, you are still able to log in and at least see that the realm isn't up. if it still doesn't let you see the realm, I'd say it could be that your mangos.config and your sql settings don't jive. If you have it on a strange port... 8086, this could be a problem... (This setting is all the way at the bottom of the mangos.config file)

The config files are basically default. The only thing I changed in them was the log level, and the SQL server information.

The world port is 8085, as it says it should be. I have followed DJRavine's instructions precisely otherwise.

I have seen other people with this same problem. No one has answered the problem though.
I've seen issues with the server, but not like this one. So did the same thing happen with only realmd.exe running?

With only realmd running, it now just sticks at "Handshaking". If I hit cancel, it goes to "Searching for realm list" and sticks. Cancel cancels.
wow.... Speachless.

Best thing I can tell you is stick with the server you had working :( I know it isn't the best answer, but either try reinstalling the DB, or wait it out till they can release something more stable. Sorry.