let me explain: ( i think it is )
check in the log someone bugged a copy CLSAFE_CODE, which means its a hacker alert, then lets suppose the code is: CLSAFE_CODE 1212612737 , then you open your SERVER hotuk.ini and past it there: *CLSAFE_CODE 1212612737
So all I have to do is go into the server hotuk and paste in it...
*CLSAFE_CODE 1212612737 ?
I dont have to erase anything? Do I have to shut down the server while doing this or..? Sorry I dont have the files with me so I really cant see what your saying. When I get to my friends house I will be able to Thanks
When your reach over 850 max, 2500 def, or 250 abs you get a bug. When your attacking a monster you do NO DMG. And of cos def/abs will be shit if u have those bugs.
Thats the bug, probably due to the fact our weapons are overrpowered. But there are servers that have fixed the bug.
Hi i loook into log all i see is this no CLSAFE_CODE
Hacking Alert ( 100 ) - Absorption( 174 ) Attack Damage( 849 ) Defence( 3239 )
Client Energy Bar Error ( 1 )( 1 )( 1 )
Help please i really i dun get it dat is wat i see in my log ty