• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Does anyone have a pack/repack for MaNGOS with all of outland spawned?

well your running the same as me but i got mine more upgraded then any server going xD here dude its 75% spawned its soon done.

No, plan and simple no. You people always expect everything to be perfect and delivered on a silver platter right to you......sorry but it doens't work that way in the WoW emulation community.
We're working on getting all the spawns in the 2.0.10 release of mangos, as it stands about 1/6'th of outland is spawned, the rest remains unspawned. We have a 9 man spawn team working on getting the rest going. Stay tuned.
this is all the gm commands i'm still working on a spreedshhet that has what they do but most are self explanitory

.modify aspeed
.modify bit
.modify bwalk
.modify energy
.modify faction
.modify hp
.modify mana
.modify money
.modify rage
.modify scale
.modify speed
.modify spell
.modify swim
the repack with all outlands working is at .worldofwarcraft.com with a nice core.

Seriously, you will not find outland fully spawned yet and that emulator have MANY problems.