Does it happen to you people..?

Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I dunno if I am the only one experiencing this problem..but what I noticed is..

RageZone is consuming the major part of my bandwidth..!!

I normally get download speeds of around 250 KB/s on DAP but the second I log onto RZ and start surfin here..they go down to values like 40/45 KB/s

Why is that happening..? I mean its strange for forums to consume so much..!! I do accept may-be coz of the large number of posts and database but then again..this doesnt happen on other forums which are equally big..!!

Any reasons..?
Its probably all the signatures and stuff. They tend to eat bandwith like there's no tomorrow. Try turning them off :smile:

Ditto. Look at all the pictures used on the forum.


Each one needs to be downloaded for every page and that's very bandwidth taxing. Disable images and you'll see how much of the forum is just that. Images!

NoPeace - out
Uberness Speedimuss
Never have problems with RZ lol

My internet went out for about a week once and no sites worked except RZ lol
It's like god wants me to browse here and only
nothing wrong here, i still have top DL speed
Ditto. Look at all the pictures used on the forum.


Each one needs to be downloaded for every page and that's very bandwidth taxing. Disable images and you'll see how much of the forum is just that. Images!

NoPeace - out

Lol i run everything through a squid server so it caches, and I also use firefox caching. Sure there may be a slight delay if the image is updated, but usually it reloads.
Using IE 7 and getright/azereus for downloading and absolutely no change in DL speed. And the pages are loaded with-in few seconds. IE is on default settings(~400 MB for cache) and i dont have any other caching.

So has to be ur DAP or some fcked up settings
Using IE 7 and getright/azereus for downloading and absolutely no change in DL speed. And the pages are loaded with-in few seconds. IE is on default settings(~400 MB for cache) and i dont have any other caching.

So has to be ur DAP or some fcked up settings

I observed the problem.
Its happening only when I use FireFox. Doesnt when I use Opera or IE7.
why you all use IE .... i know its not the palce but i use opera ... and i dont have problems like this cuz the browser is caching the images and just cheks them once on evry 24H if they are still valid .. so use beter browser than IE