Hey guys,
I dunno if I am the only one experiencing this problem..but what I noticed is..
RageZone is consuming the major part of my bandwidth..!!
I normally get download speeds of around 250 KB/s on DAP but the second I log onto RZ and start surfin here..they go down to values like 40/45 KB/s
Why is that happening..? I mean its strange for forums to consume so much..!! I do accept may-be coz of the large number of posts and database but then again..this doesnt happen on other forums which are equally big..!!
Any reasons..?
I dunno if I am the only one experiencing this problem..but what I noticed is..
RageZone is consuming the major part of my bandwidth..!!
I normally get download speeds of around 250 KB/s on DAP but the second I log onto RZ and start surfin here..they go down to values like 40/45 KB/s
Why is that happening..? I mean its strange for forums to consume so much..!! I do accept may-be coz of the large number of posts and database but then again..this doesnt happen on other forums which are equally big..!!
Any reasons..?