Does piercings make you emo?

Mr. Guy Man
Dec 10, 2004
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You would reall
I want to hear your opinions about it. I have piercings, but I'm not emo. So I say NO! :P I've heard so many people calling me emo, ugly f*ck, goth etc. you name it, because of my piercings. So, what's your opinions?

For those who have never had a piercing, it doesn't hurt at all. I've had two in my eyebrow. First one got infected, so I had to remove it. But I got a new one at the same place :P Now I have on in my lip too. Soon to get one in my tongue (I think that will hurt though). Have one in my ear too, but I don't classify that as a piercing.
No. Dipshits who like to stereotype people make you 'emo'.
also if you wear black clothes and big black pants with chain and stuff, you can be called Emo
Dude.. you're 15.. why the hell should you care about that kind'a stuff? :icon6:

Anyway, to answer the question: no, piercings don't make you emo. Being suicidal makes you emo. Thus, about 99.95% of those that call themselfs emo are in fact not emo. They do however score pretty high on my 'people-who-are-attention-whores' list :wink:

And yes, I wear black, have a long black coat and tend to wear spikes when I feel like it and have even been called emo. Fortunately only by those that aren't aware of the group best described as metalheads, and they tend to be very surprised when they find out a metalhead can kick seven kinds of sh*t out of most pussys that listen to popmusic and think they should pick on those that look different.

Suffice to say those encounters brighten up my day a treat! :wink:
No no no, it's a conspiracy.

Piercing automatically makes you emo.

hmmmm, so if girls pierce their belly botton still consider a emo?

i dont think so
Dude.. you're 15.. why the hell should you care about that kind'a stuff? :icon6:

Anyway, to answer the question: no, piercings don't make you emo. Being suicidal makes you emo. Thus, about 99.95% of those that call themselfs emo are in fact not emo. They do however score pretty high on my 'people-who-are-attention-whores' list :wink:

And yes, I wear black, have a long black coat and tend to wear spikes when I feel like it and have even been called emo. Fortunately only by those that aren't aware of the group best described as metalheads, and they tend to be very surprised when they find out a metalhead can kick seven kinds of sh*t out of most pussys that listen to popmusic and think they should pick on those that look different.

Suffice to say those encounters brighten up my day a treat! :wink:

So wait...all metalheads could kick my ass? Hmmmmm....

And listening to pop music makes you a pussy? Hmmmm...

I'm pretty sure I can kick most peoples asses no matter their size and I hate listening to 'metalhead' music.

Though pop music annoys me too.

Damn Justin Timberlake trying to be sexy.

Kick his ass and I'll agree :P

Edit: Oh..and so I'm not off topic.

Only if you pierce through the wrists or in places where there is a serious risk of death. That or any sort of physical defect that would give you attention. Unless of course you like sticking giant pieces of metal through your stomach and dancing. I think there is an extreme Islamic sect that does looks disgusting and amazing at the same time.

Then again the guy that did it was very cant stick one through your belly unless most of it is fat.
So wait...all metalheads could kick my ass? Hmmmmm....

And listening to pop music makes you a pussy? Hmmmm...

I'm pretty sure I can kick most peoples asses no matter their size and I hate listening to 'metalhead' music.

Though pop music annoys me too.

Damn Justin Timberlake trying to be sexy.

Kick his ass and I'll agree :P

Edit: Oh..and so I'm not off topic.

Only if you pierce through the wrists or in places where there is a serious risk of death. That or any sort of physical defect that would give you attention. Unless of course you like sticking giant pieces of metal through your stomach and dancing. I think there is an extreme Islamic sect that does looks disgusting and amazing at the same time.

Then again the guy that did it was very cant stick one through your belly unless most of it is fat.

you're not making any sense
I'm pretty sure I can kick most peoples asses no matter their size and I hate listening to 'metalhead' music.

That sounds like being a badass guy over the internet.. Even if you can kick most peoples asses then telling this the way you did makes me think you can't.

And piercings don't make you emo. I hate people who tell such things to people they don't even know just becouse of their looks.