Mr. Guy Man
I want to hear your opinions about it. I have piercings, but I'm not emo. So I say NO!
I've heard so many people calling me emo, ugly f*ck, goth etc. you name it, because of my piercings. So, what's your opinions?
For those who have never had a piercing, it doesn't hurt at all. I've had two in my eyebrow. First one got infected, so I had to remove it. But I got a new one at the same place
Now I have on in my lip too. Soon to get one in my tongue (I think that will hurt though). Have one in my ear too, but I don't classify that as a piercing.

For those who have never had a piercing, it doesn't hurt at all. I've had two in my eyebrow. First one got infected, so I had to remove it. But I got a new one at the same place