Draenei & Bloodelf Quests

Initiate Mage
Apr 11, 2007
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As you know, much Draenei and BE quests are bugged , and even make your wow crash .
I can't find update for Mangos - if there is one where are all quests fixed more or less.

I wonder, Maybe someone who have Fixed these quests would like to share with other's by posting a link where are Exported Quest_Template.sql , or someone know any Mangos or SDB update ??
I have played on 2 or 3 servers that had all quests working for both race (I didn't test it all but everything looked right. Problem is that these server are custom made and the author doesn't make repack or make is files avalaible for the community.

Now the good news is that there is a few team at least 2 to my knowledge, that are making burning crusade database. Some are on official server collecting data with grunt jr. The data is accurate and converted for mangos to mysql. GameObject/Creature template data, loot statistics (detailed and general), and GameObject/Creature spawn points. Hope they are fixing quests too :)

In about 3 months we will have some more serious/accurate burning crusade database avalaible for the community to enjoy.
maybe some links ??? - for DB repack's updates releases.

and maybe someone who has fixed custom theese quests would like to help other's ?? Sharing with their templates.


silvermoon pack - the best!
may need to reg to see(it WILL say its a broken link if you dont)

What's new?

- Database updated to SDB Changeset 154 - 3411 (thnx to Utsjitimmie)
(I didnt add the new tables and such, they arent needed and wont be working with our core)
- Netherstorm 50% spawned!!! (thnx to CDWriter)
- Blade's Edge Mountains (fully) spawned!!! (thanks to Blu3)
(there will be wrong factions in there, will be fixed in the next release)
- Shield bug fixed, no cubes anywhere anymore (thnx to Utsjitimmie)
- Added the Hyjal spawns/quests/gameobjects from Hyjal V3.0 that someone posted (thnx to Unknown-Terror,
srry i didnt credit you earlier, didnt know anymore where I got the spawns from)
- The Silvermoon/Exodar guards are working now (thnx to krombacher)
- Applied updates for the quests in Netherstorm and other things like sizes and factions (thnx to CDWriter)
- Nagrand is (fully) blizzlike now (thanks to Blu3 and Brett)
- Shadowmoon Valley is more spawned now (thnx to Gabster and Blu3)
- All of the quests in the Draenei and Blood Elf area are working now (thnx to TRIVI4L)
(if you find bugs, pls post them on this forum)
- Mobs in Halaa are now fighting eachother (thnx to Brett)
- Mobs outside Shadowmoon Village are fighting eachother now (thnx to Utsjitimmie)
- Mobs at the Dark Portal are now fighting eachother (thnx to Utsjitimmie)
- Mobs in Silvermoon are now emoting things like sleep/kneel/sit (
- Mobs in Silvermoon and some other mobs have their weapons now (Utsjitimmie and Evilgb)