Dragon Armor Mu Skins 

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
New Zealand
And another release fro me..
This time I was in a Asian mood hahaha

Dragon Armor with dragon prints:

In game SS

And the file:


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Re: [Release] Dragon Armor

you should really take a SS of it ingame, but, for real, it looks like you opened it in photoshop or something, and just slapped those dragon pronts on there

still, it looks like it would look cool (confusing)


You are absolutely right. (but the truth is: I saw somebody with a tatoo of a dreagons head and I took that from his photo. So what you see is actually a on-skin-tatoo :):))
I will work on that and I will add some SS
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Re: [Release] Dragon Armor

You just took a small render and put it over the dragon armor, I see nothing special about that; although its a good idea to add some spice to it. It might have looked better if you blended it a little to match more.

Like this?

RoTju - Dragon Armor - RaGEZONE Forums
Re: [Release] Dragon Armor

Wow RoTju nice work didnt know you were on Ragezone as well xD

I give it a 9 outta 10 nicely done didnt know that you did skinning!

Keep it up I expect to see more outta ya in the future XD