Why not ?I am also a programmer, but I do not find any sense in your logic. What is the use of publishing the progress of your project, if at the end you will not share it or sell it? It does not help, unless you want to make easy money, like "Daneos" does. I do not find the logic of publishing in a forum, where all the information is shared. :huh: :huh: :ehh: :?: :?:
Why not ?
You prefere to see 100 private server with 1 player online ? the dbo community is very small, if the all source and binary are shared maybe around 30 or 50 private server will open with no one on.
Go on the mangos or trinity repos download the source and open a private wow server, i gave you a month before close it because anyone will play on your server.
Thats cool @loveme006 You can't program and just want to suckle from our knowledge teet.
Hows it feel to know that you will never be able to just open a server and make money off other peoples work?
Because you are hitting them in their face with true facts. I really wish i could have the privilige of working with you guys back then.You guys are children ahaha, i let all of you says what ever you want, at least we are the worst team ever, we stole everything to everyone blablablabla....., but that's strange cause some other stole our works opened a server but no one says anything, no one ask him for his sources, why ? Can anyone tell me why AKCore should be under all your wickedness ?