DragonNest Website developing

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Experienced Elementalist
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Everyone,

I started to coding a php website for dragon nest and i was looking for someone who can support us with a cool html and css design

Site will include the below features.

1- Latest News - Done

2- Register Page. - Done

3- Login panel - Done

4- Download Page - Done

5- Forgot Password - Done

6- Donation - Paypal, Paymentwall and E-pin system. - Done

7- Top 50 player rank. - Done

If you have any request about some features just let me know.

-- This website will be released after it finish--

Note:Send me a private message if you want to to make a design for those files.
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it should work anywhere.

To make a website using MSSQL connection out of dedicated server you have to config your Microsoft sql server to accept remote connection.
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