Dual Realms - Different Versions

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
New York
I don't know if this has been asked yet, I haven't been around in a while, but...

Is it possible to run dual realms, one client version 1.12.1 (original wow) and another 2.0.10 (tbc) on the same computer, same ip, etc etc.

Now, I have tested this, so I'm not just asking without any experience behind it. I can easily set up multiple realms with the same client version. But I can't get two different versions working. I know the realmd.exe tells the client which version it is, and when running multiple realms, you only use one realmd.exe. Which there lies the problem.

So, what is another way I can do this? VPN perhaps? TIA.
U mention u ran multi realms same version.
Is this with mandos or kobold?
because i been trying to run multi mandos realms
but had no luck.

Yea running multiple realms with different versions is going to be a huge issue. The only way to do it would be to run realmd on an off norm port. Which then, im not exactly sure if you could add that info to the realmlist.wtf file or not... its an interesting situation. I'm going to have to try this.
Running different versions is only possible if the LoginServer allows it.

If the client could be configured to use an other port then3724, you could run multiple LoginServers, but that is not the same a multiple realms; it will be just running 2 seperate realms.

On Kobold we can use alternative version, provided the version don't differ too much. (so 6080 / 6180 works OK, but 6080 and 6437 not)

I host now 4 realms.....BC6080 and normal 6180 clients are allowed to connect
The way i run my 2 servers is i changed the port for my BC login server from 3724 to 3725. after that change the port settings for the world server. make sure you change the port setting in realm list in your db. Now to connect you will have to post this in your realmlist in your wow directory set realmlist yourhostip:3725 or which ever port you change it to. also i use the same db for both my 1.12 and 2.0.10 realm servers .

I hope this help .

This is something I never manged...my client is always on 3724, no matter what I use in realmlist.wtf...

Still it would be 2 seperate realms, not multi-realm....
Thanks for the replies everyone. I've managed to get 2 different version realms running, but not a multi-realm. 2 separate realmd's and 2 separate mangdb's. Changed ports for both (8085-3724 / 8086 - 3725)

This is all fine and well exept one thing. Like most, I use a redirecting service (no-ip). I, and other testers, are able to connect perfectly if we use my actual ip address + port (12.34.567.89:3725) But when trying to use the redirecting service + the port, no dice. Anyone have some advice as far as that goes? Maybe another service with port redirecting included. don't really want to hand out my ip, for many reasons.

I'm still curious about the mutil-realm, different versions issue though. I think the only real possible solution is to recompile the realmd to accept multiple versions. Even then, if players tried connecting to a bc version using 'wow stock versions' they would get an error 132, blah.
U mention u ran multi realms same version.
Is this with mandos or kobold?
because i been trying to run multi mandos realms
but had no luck.


Jay, this is actually really simple. You will need 2 'mangos' databases and 1 realmd database.

Open each mangos.conf and edit:
# RealmID must match the realmlist
RealmID = 1
Obviously one must be 1 and another must be 2, etc etc. Also in each mangconf edit:
# Default WorldServerPort
WorldServerPort = 8085
These must be different, 8085 and 8086 works just fine.

Once you do that open the realmlist table in your realmd db. Add a new line along with the one already there. Set the id to 2 or whatever number you choose in the manconf before. Set a name, use the same ip as the original one and set the port, again to the to same as you set in mangconf.

Boot up 1 realmd and both mangos exes. Done.

(sorry for the dp)
I beleave i did all that.
I posted everything i tryed here:

BTW here my setup:
SQL realmlist:
1 Beta_server1 mydns1.no-ip.org 8085 4 0 0;3306;root;root;mangos_1
2 Beta_server2 mydns2.no-ip.org 8086 4 0 0;3306;root;root;mangos_2

Server 1 folder:
RealmID = 1
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd_bc"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;mangos_1"
WorldServerPort = 8085
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd_bc"

Server 2 folder:
RealmID = 2
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd_bc"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;mangos_2"
WorldServerPort = 8086
Jay, this is actually really simple. You will need 2 'mangos' databases and 1 realmd database.

Open each mangos.conf and edit:
# RealmID must match the realmlist
RealmID = 1
Obviously one must be 1 and another must be 2, etc etc. Also in each mangconf edit:
# Default WorldServerPort
WorldServerPort = 8085
These must be different, 8085 and 8086 works just fine.

Once you do that open the realmlist table in your realmd db. Add a new line along with the one already there. Set the id to 2 or whatever number you choose in the manconf before. Set a name, use the same ip as the original one and set the port, again to the to same as you set in mangconf.

Boot up 1 realmd and both mangos exes. Done.

(sorry for the dp)

Thats not work on me... it stuck when try login..
Jay, this is actually really simple. You will need 2 'mangos' databases and 1 realmd database.

Open each mangos.conf and edit:
# RealmID must match the realmlist
RealmID = 1
Obviously one must be 1 and another must be 2, etc etc. Also in each mangconf edit:
# Default WorldServerPort
WorldServerPort = 8085
These must be different, 8085 and 8086 works just fine.

Once you do that open the realmlist table in your realmd db. Add a new line along with the one already there. Set the id to 2 or whatever number you choose in the manconf before. Set a name, use the same ip as the original one and set the port, again to the to same as you set in mangconf.

Boot up 1 realmd and both mangos exes. Done.

(sorry for the dp)
and what realmlist must be? myip:3725?
That will not work using same realmd on different versions...game will hang at "cannot validate version", so you have to use two different realmd.
I was explaining for 2 realms, same version. To get two different versions running, you do need 2 realmd's running.

It's the same setup as the same version realms. Change world ports so they are unique, and change realmd.conf ports so it is unique. By default it's 3724 change one of them to, say, 3725.

No need to add another relam to the realmlist table. Just have (2)mangos databases and (2) realmd databases. All on separate ports.

Connecting to the new realm requires your client realmlist to be yourip:3725
You must specify your port and use your actual ip address. I haven't found a way to setup no-ip to include this new port. Other redirecting hosts might support this though.